                                 USER'S MANUAL

                                 FIRST EDITION
                              (DOC FILE VERSION)

                                 Brian K. Reid
                                 7 August 1978

                          CARNEGIE-MELLON UNIVERSITY
                          COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT

           This manual corresponds to SCRIBE version CMU 0E(110)-5.

                       Copyright -C- 1978 Brian K. Reid

The  research  that  produced  SCRIBE  was  funded  in  part  by  the  Rome Air
Development Center under Contract  No.    F306-2-75-C-0218,  in  part  by  Army
Research  Contract  No.   DAAG29-77-C-0034, and in part by the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency under contract No.  F44620-73-C-0074.

                                                                         PAGE 1

  This  manual is a beginner's manual for the SCRIBE document production system
developed in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie-Mellon University.

  The reader is expected to have used (however briefly) a timesharing computer,
to know how to use a text editor, and to understand the notion of a timesharing
"file system".  No particular computer expertise or knowledge of programming is
needed.  If you feel that you don't have that background, see the CMU  Computer
Science  Department's  Computer Primer. On the other hand, if you have a lot of
programming experience and would like to know more, there is a SCRIBE  Experts'
Manual available, as a companion to this one.

  SCRIBE  is  still  under development.  This first edition of the Introductory
User's Manual was written for internal use in the Computer Science  Department,
and  the  particular  set  of  formatting  commands  that  we  have devised and
documented are designed around the sorts of documents that computer  scientists
produce.  Users in non-academic or non-mathematical environments will have very
little  use  for  the  "Theorem" or "Equation" features, but may find something
else desirable.  In time there will be separate editions of the manual.

  This manual was produced with SCRIBE and  printed  on  the  Computer  Science
Department's  Xerox  Graphics  Printer.    If  you find anything wrong with it,
please let me know.  My ARPANET mail  address  is  "Reid@CMU-10A";  my  regular
snailmail   address   is   "Department  of  Computer  Science,  Carnegie-Mellon
University, Pittsburgh PA 15213".

PAGE 2                                                     SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

1. Introduction
  SCRIBE  is  a document production program.  It produces "documents", designed
to be read by people, from "manuscript files", which are primarily to  be  read
by  the  computer.    The manuscript files that SCRIBE processes are created by
people by using a text editor; the document  files  that  SCRIBE  produces  are
printed on printing devices to produce paper copy.

  SCRIBE  is a big program.  It has many exotic capabilities, most of which you
will probably never need.  But as the people who sell cars with big engines are
fond of saying, it's nice to have the power there in case you need to use it.

  Unlike many big programs, SCRIBE looks simple.   You  don't  need  very  many
commands,  and the ones that you do need are not complicated.  If you have used
computer text editors before, you should be able to learn enough  about  SCRIBE
in  an hour to be able to produce your first document.  As you learn more about
document production and find that you want more "features" or more power,  just
read farther in the manual and you will probably find what you are looking for.

  The  SCRIBE Experts' Manual, a companion volume to this one, describes how to
do complicated things.  We have made it a separate manual to emphasize the fact
that SCRIBE is quite useful to people who aren't  experts,  and  also  to  save
printing costs, since not everybody needs to be an expert.

1.1 Some Explanation for Non-Programmers
  The  preparation  of  a document requires, in addition to the actual text, an
understanding of how the text is to be formatted.  When  a  secretary  types  a
document,  he applies his knowledge of typing and formats and his understanding
of what the words and sentences mean,  and  chooses  a  reasonable  format  for
various  pieces  of  the  text.    When  a  typographer typesets a document for
publication, he needs editor's marks, in colored pencil, to show  him  what  to

  Computers  are at a double disadvantage in the production of documents.  They
are not clever, like secretaries, nor  can  they  read  penciled  proofreader's
marks,  like  typographers.  Computers can recognize the 95 characters on their
keyboard, but not penciled notes.  Somehow, using only those 95 characters,  we
must  devise  a means of communicating to the computer all of the various kinds
of information that secretaries can figure out for themselves and  typographers
get  from  the pencil marks.  SCRIBE has such a scheme, using special sequences
of characters to represent formatting commands, and if it  sometimes  seems  to
you  as  though  a certain construct is too baroque or too mathematical, please
understand why it is that way.

INTRODUCTION                                                             PAGE 3

1.2 Some Explanation for Programmers
  The  SCRIBE  system  was  designed  to  make document production easy for the
non-expert, and to allow him to make small changes to the  formats  and  styles
without  needing  to  learn  much about how the program works.  SCRIBE is not a
programming language.

  SCRIBE does not have `commands' in the usual sense of the word:  its commands
are not procedural.  A SCRIBE command specifies  the  result  that  is  desired
rather  than  the  method  to achieve it.  For example, to enter a quotation in
running text, it is customary to switch to single spacing, indent the left  and
right  margins,  and  then change back again to normal margins and spacing.  In
SCRIBE, this would be achieved by placing a "@begin(quotation)" command at  the
front  of  the  quotation's text, and an "@End(quotation)" after its text.  The
details of the knowledge of how to print a QUOTATION are  encoded  in  SCRIBE's
internal tables.

  The  non-procedural  nature of SCRIBE typically gives fits to people who have
grown accustomed to procedural document formatters.  Programmers  are  used  to
thinking in terms of procedural commands, and are used to having the full power
of  the  document  formatter  available  at  the  command  level.   Many expert
programmers, upon first seeing SCRIBE, seem  to  think  that  it  is  weak  and
powerless and unflexible, when what they really mean is that it doesn't conform
to their notion of what a procedural command language should do.

  SCRIBE  has been in use at Carnegie-Mellon since January 1978.  We have found
that even hard-core hackers can learn how to use SCRIBE effectively,  but  that
they  must learn to think differently before they will ever be comfortable with
it.  People who aren't experts at older document systems have had no difficulty
learning to use SCRIBE.

PAGE 4                                                     SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

2. Getting Started
  This  chapter  is  for  new  users, who have never used SCRIBE before and who
would like to learn how to use it for simple things.

2.1 Preparing Input for Scribe
  A manuscript file prepared for input to SCRIBE consists  primarily  of  plain
text.    Paragraphs are separated by blank lines, and commands, if present, are
flagged with an "@" sign.  If you want an "@" sign to appear  in  your  output,
you  must  type  two of them:  "@@". The various commands are described in this
and following chapters.  A file containing no commands at all  will  work  just
fine;  it  will  yield  simple  justified  paragraphed  text.  On the PDP-10, a
manuscript file should be given the  extension  ".MSS";  our  example  that  we
discuss here will be called TRIAL.MSS.

2.2 Running Scribe
  Suppose  that  we  have  built  a  manuscript  file named TRIAL.MSS, with the
following contents:

      00100 So when he came to the churchyard Sir Arthur alighted and tied his
      00200 horse to the stile.  And so he  went  to  the  tent  and  found  no
      00300  there  for  they were at jousting.  And so he handled the sword by
      00400 handles and lightly and fiercely pulled it out of  the  stone,  and
      00500  his  horse and rode his way until he came to his brother, Sir Kay,
      00600 delivered him the sword.
      00800 And as soon as Sir Kay saw the sword he wist well it was the sword
      00900 from the stone, and so he rode to his father, Sir Ector, and said,
      01000 `Sir, lo!  here is the sword of the stone, wherefore I must be King
      01100 this land.'

  The blank line (700) indicates the end of one paragraph and the beginning  of
another.    To process this file, we run SCRIBE; it will prompt us for input by
typing an asterisk:
   From Le Morte Darthur, by Sir Thomas Malory.

GETTING STARTED                                                          PAGE 5


In response to the prompt, type the file name of the manuscript file that is to
be processed.


SCRIBE  will  then  process  the file.  It will produce as output a file called
TRIAL.LPT.  This TRIAL.LPT file that it produces, when typed on  the  terminal,
will look something like this:
  So  when  he  came to the churchyard Sir Arthur alighted and tied his
  horse to the stile.  And so he went to the tent and found no  knights
  there  for they were at jousting.  And so he handled the sword by the
  handles and lightly and fiercely pulled it out of the stone, and took
  his horse and rode his way until he came to his brother, Sir Kay, and
  delivered him the sword.

  And as soon as Sir Kay saw the sword he wist well it  was  the  sword
  from  the  stone,  and so he rode to his father, Sir Ector, and said,
  `Sir, lo! here is the sword of the stone, wherefore I must be King of
  this land.'
The reader is invited to copy the file TRIAL.MSS[A800DP99]  and go through this

2.3 Printing Devices
  When SCRIBE processes a manuscript file into a document file, it does so with
a particular printing device in mind.  The device characteristics determine the
number  of  characters  that SCRIBE tries to put on a line, the number of lines
that it tries to put on a page, the methods used to accomplish underlining  and
backspacing, and so on.

  If  you don't tell SCRIBE anything one way or another about printing devices,
it will assume that you are preparing a file for the  line  printer.    If  you
aren't,  you  must  put  a  @DEVICE command at the beginning of your manuscript
file, telling SCRIBE what device you are using.  The  format  is  "@DEVICE(what
   Only at CMU Computer Science Department sites.

PAGE 6                                                     SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL
kind)" ; some examples follow:

    @DEVICE(LPT)    Prepare for a line printer
    @Device(XGP)    Prepare document for Xerox Graphics Printer
    @DEVICE(DIABLO) Prepare for Diablo HyType terminal
    @device(FILE)   Prepare as a computer file

  To  return to our example of the previous section, let's change it to produce
output for the XGP.  The updated manuscript file TRIAL.MSS would now look  like

      00050 @device(XGP)
      00100 So when he came to the churchyard Sir Arthur alighted and tied his
      00200  horse  to  the  stile.    And  so he went to the tent and found no
      00300 there for they were at jousting.  And so he handled  the  sword  by
      00400  handles  and  lightly and fiercely pulled it out of the stone, and
      00500 his horse and rode his way until he came to his brother,  Sir  Key,
      00600 delivered him the sword.
      00800 And as soon as Sir Kay saw the sword he wist well it was the sword
      00900 from the stone, and so he rode to his father, Sir Ector, and said,
      01000 `Sir, lo!  here is the sword of the stone, wherefore I must be King
      01100 this land.'

  If  this  file  were  now run through SCRIBE, it would produce an output file
named TRIAL.XGO suitable for printing on the XGP, instead of the TRIAL.LPT that
it produced before.

  A table of the DEVICE codes known to SCRIBE is shown in figure 2-1. We expect
to be able to add a device type for a photocomposing machine  as  soon  as  one
becomes available to us.
   Upper  and  lower  case  may  be used interchangeably in any SCRIBE command;
varying case will be used throughout this manual to emphasize that.

PREPARING A MANUSCRIPT                                                   PAGE 7

          Page           Page
Code      Length         Width          Description
LPT       53 lines       132 cols       Line printer (standard)
XGP       11 inches      8.5 inches     Xerox Graphics Printer
DIABLO    11 inches      8.5 inches     Diablo HyType printer
LA36      66 lines       132 cols       LA36 DECwriter
TI700     50 lines       80 cols        Texas Instruments 700
SOS       50 lines       69 cols        SOS file
FILE      50 lines       79 cols        Standard DOC file
CRT       24 lines       79 cols        Pages match CRT screen size

                   Figure 2-1: Device Types Known To SCRIBE

PAGE 8                                                     SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

3. Preparing a Manuscript
  You  now  know  how  to build a manuscript file that contains plain text, and
then run it through SCRIBE to produce a document.  In this section we will tell
you how to fancy it up with italics, underlining, subscripts, superscripts, and
so forth.

  Let's start with an example, then get to a more general explanation.  To  get
italics,   surround  the  letters  that  you want italicized with @i[...], like

    The inscription read, "@i[De minimus non curat lex]."

which will produce output that looks like this:

    The inscription read, "De minimus non curat lex."

Before going on with more explanations, we need to talk some nuts and bolts.

3.1 Delimiters
  The square brackets [] used in the example above are called  delimiters. They
delimit  the  characters  being italicized.  Computer keyboards contain several
pairs of matching left and right delimiters, and any of them may  equally  well
be  used.    For  example,  you  could  have  put  @i(De  minimus..)  or  @i<De
minimus..>. It doesn't really matter which kind of delimiter you use as long as
the closing delimiter matches the  opening  delimiter.    If  you  tried  @i<De
minimus...],  SCRIBE  will  just  keep  italicizing  until  it  comes  to a ">"
character or the end of the paragraph.  The delimiter pairs that  you  may  use
are (...), [...], {...}, <...>, '...', `...', and "...".

  Suppose  that  you  wanted boldface and underlining of the same text.  To get
boldface, you use @b[...] around the text to be boldfaced.  To get underlining,
we put @u[...] around the text to be underlined.

    Why would anybody want @b[@u[boldfaced underlining]]?

This is called nesting of the delimiters.  The output that it will produce will
   If this document was printed on a device not capable of italicizing letters,
then you will see underlining or overstriking where we intend italics.

PREPARING A MANUSCRIPT                                                   PAGE 9

look like this:

    Why would anybody want boldfaced underlining?

  The  concept  of  nesting  should  be  familiar  to everyone in the notion of
quotations inside quotations; the inner  quotation  is  delimited  with  single
quotes and the outer quotation is delimited with double quotes, like this:

      Macomber said, "But the sign said `No Hunting.'"

SCRIBE  is clever enough to let you nest like delimiters without getting itself
confused, but you can use different delimiters if you want:

    Why would anybody want @b<@u[boldfaced underlining]>?

If you want to include an  un-nested  delimiter  character  inside  a  pair  of
delimiters,  you  have to be careful.  Suppose, for example, that you wanted to
put an underlined ")" character in your text.    If  you  used  parentheses  as
delimiters,  and  put @u()), SCRIBE would treat that as "@u()" followed by ")",
and would not do what you wanted.  This might seem like a useless warning,  but
the  situation comes up in mathematical formatting.  Equations and formulas are
frequently printed with  italicized  variable  names,  and  frequently  contain
parentheses.   To get the sequence "2*(4+y)-b" correctly italicized, we must be
careful not to use parentheses as delimiters:   @i[2*(4+y)-b]  will  work,  but
@i(2*(4+y)-b)  will  not do what you want:  it will print as "2*(4+y-b)", which
is wrong.

3.2 Printing Device Considerations
  Not every feature provided by SCRIBE can be realized on every output  device.
The  line  printer, for example, cannot print italics or even underline, but it
can generate boldface by overstriking.   The  XGP  at  CMU  can  italicize  and
underline  and  boldface,  but cannot do italics and boldface on the same line.
In fact, our XGP is restricted to no more than two fonts in any pair of  lines.
Some  of  the  features  in  SCRIBE  cannot  be achieved on any of the printing
devices currently available to it, but were  installed  in  anticipation  of  a
photocomposing  machine  or  better  Xerographic  printers.    For example, the
overbar code @o[] and the script code @s[] cannot be printed on  even  the  XGP
without special tinkering that is beyond the scope of this manual.

3.3 Italics, Underlining, Etcetera
  SCRIBE  recognizes all of the font-change codes listed in figure 3-1. Whether
it will actually produce the requested font change depends on the nature of the
final printing device being used.  If SCRIBE cannot produce a  particular  code

PAGE 10                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

on  a particular printing device, it will attempt a compromise.  In general, if
a final printing device cannot print a particular effect, SCRIBE will  generate
underlining or overstriking instead.

    @i[phrase]      Italics
    @u[phrase]      Underline non-blank characters
    @ux[phrase]     Underline all characters
    @un[phrase]     Underline alpha-numerics (but not punctuation or spaces)
    @b[phrase]      Boldface
    @r[phrase]      Roman (the normal typeface)
    @t[phrase]      Typewriter font
    @+[phrase]      print      script
    @c[phrase]      SMALL CAPITALS
    @-[phrase]      print    script
    @g[phrase]      Greek (@g[Ellen])
    @o[phrase]      Overbar
    @p[phrase]      Bold Italics

                         Figure 3-1: Font-change Codes

3.4 Inserts
  You  now know how to produce paragraphed text with various fancy effects like
italics and underlining.  In this section, we  will  show  you  how  to  insert
various things into the middle of running text.  Anything put into running text
is called an insert. Inserts can be quotations, examples, equations, tables, or
what have you.  The text will resume in the same paragraph after the insert.

3.4.1 Specifying an Insert
  There  are  two  ways  of  specifying an insert.  The long form requires more
typing, but is immune to problems with delimiters.  Both yield the same result.
Consider this example:  to put a quotation  into  running  text,  we  mark  its
beginning with "@BEGIN(QUOTATION)" and its end with "@End(QUOTATION)".  Thus:

PREPARING A MANUSCRIPT                                                  PAGE 11

    Body of quotation.

This is the long form.  The short form of the same thing would be:

    Body of quotation.

Obviously,  the  short form requires that the body of the quotation not contain
the right delimiter that closes the quotation.

  If your quotation is short, you can specify it all on one line:

    @Quotation(Body of quotation)

SCRIBE will produce the same output from any of the three forms shown above.

  A quotation in running text comes out single spaced, with the left and  right
margins widened a little, like this:

      The  fact  is,  that  civilization  requires slaves.  The Greeks were
    quite right there.  Unless there  are  slaves  to  do  ugly,  horrible,
    uninteresting work, culture and contemplation become impossible.  Human
    slavery  is  wrong, insecure, and demoralizing.  On mechanical slavery,
    on the slavery of the machine, the future of the world depends . 

3.4.2 Simple Inserts
  SCRIBE knows about the following collection of simple insert types.  Any  one
of  them  may  be used in any document type.  They may be used in the long form
(using BEGIN and END), or the short form, @NAME(body of insert).   ENTER  is  a
synonym  for  BEGIN and LEAVE is a synonym for END.  Each of these insert types
is described inf figure 3-2; examples of  the  use  of  each  can  be  seen  in
Appendix I.
   From Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism, 1895

PAGE 12                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

    QUOTATION       Text quotation
    VERSE           Verse quotation
    EXAMPLE         Example of computer type-in or type-out
    DISPLAY         Non-justified insert.  Each line is separate.
    CENTER          Each line centered
    VERBATIM        Characters copied exactly, without formatting
    FORMAT          Hand-formatted text
    ITEMIZE         Paragraphs with a tick-mark in front of each
    ENUMERATE       Paragraphs with a number in front of each
    DESCRIPTION     Outdented paragraphs; single spacing
    EQUATION        Equation, with a number put in the right margin
    THEOREM         Numbered theorem

                        Figure 3-2: Basic Insert Types QUOTATION and VERSE
  The  QUOTATION  insert  has  already  been  described (previous section).  It
inserts prose quotations in running text.

  The VERSE insert differs from the QUOTATION insert  in  the  way  it  handles
lines.   QUOTATION doesn't pay any attention to ends of lines in the manuscript
file; it puts as many characters on each line as will fit there.  VERSE  starts
a  new  line in the final document for each end-of-line in the manuscript file,
regardless of whether the existing line is full.  If VERSE needs  to  use  more
than one line of the document to hold the text from one line of the manuscript,
the  second  and following lines will be indented a bit from the left.  A VERSE
insert comes out looking like this:

     Oh, East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
     Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat;
     But there is neither East nor West, border, nor breed, nor birth
     When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the ends
        of the earth .

   Rudyard Kipling, The Ballad of East and West.

PREPARING A MANUSCRIPT                                                  PAGE 13 EXAMPLE and DISPLAY
  The  EXAMPLE  and  DISPLAY insert types are very similar; they differ only in
the type face that will be used.  In either EXAMPLE or  DISPLAY  inserts,  each
line  of  the  manuscript  file  will  produce one line in the document.  Since
EXAMPLE is for showing examples of computer type-in  and  type-out  (useful  in
user's  manuals),  it  will  appear in a typeface that is designed to look like
computer output.  DISPLAY inserts will appear in the  normal  body  type  face.

    This is an EXAMPLE insert

    This is a DISPLAY insert

The examples were generated like this:

    This is an EXAMPLE insert
    This is a DISPLAY insert

If  your  copy  of this manual was printed on a device that cannot change fonts
(such as the Diablo printer), then those two lines will look nearly identical. CENTER
  A CENTER insert is similar to a DISPLAY, except that  it  centers  its  lines
rather  than  left-justifying  them.  Like DISPLAY, CENTER produces one line in
the document for each line of the manuscript file that is inside the CENTER.

                            This is a CENTER insert

If there is more than one line in a CENTER insert, each line will  be  centered
individually:  for the example we just gave, the text to generate it was

    This is a CENTER insert

PAGE 14                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

although we could just as well have used

    @center(This is a CENTER insert)

If  you  think  that  you  want boldface centering, and find yourself wondering
whether you should say @b(@center(Mynah Birds))  or  @center(@b(Mynah  Birds)),
the  chances  are  that  what you are really doing is making a heading, and you
should use @Heading(Mynah Birds) instead; see Chapter 5. VERBATIM and FORMAT
  A VERBATIM insert is printed exactly as you type it; no justifying or  moving
of  the  text  will  be done.  SCRIBE will switch to a fixed-width font for the
VERBATIM text, in order that columns will line up properly.  The  @ codes  will
all be processed, so it's not completely verbatim.

  FORMAT  differs from VERBATIM only in that it uses a variable-width character
set if one is available on the final printing device.    In  FORMAT  mode,  you
would  use the tabbing and formatting commands (described in Chapter 7), rather
than the space bar on your terminal, to align columns and achieve  the  desired
  ITEMIZE  and  ENUMERATE  each  expect  a sequence of paragraphs (separated by
blank lines, as usual); and each justifies those paragraphs with slightly wider
margins and puts a mark in front of each.  ITEMIZE puts a tick-mark ("-  ")  in
front  of  each  paragraph, while ENUMERATE puts a number in front of each.  If
you are not going to refer back to the numbers that  ENUMERATE  generates,  you
should use ITEMIZE instead.  An ITEMIZE comes out looking like this:

   - First item

   - Second item

   - Third and last

An ENUMERATE looks like this:

  1. First item

  2. Second item

PREPARING A MANUSCRIPT                                                  PAGE 15

  3. Third and last

The  input  text that made those examples was identical save for a substitution
of name:  the itemization was:

    First item

    Second item

    Third and last

while the enumeration was

    First item

    Second item

    Third and last
    @End(enumerate) DESCRIPTION
  A DESCRIPTION insert is designed for the "command description" style that  is
so common in reference manuals.  The first line of a DESCRIPTION insert will be
at  the  left  margin  of  the page, and the second and remaining lines will be
indented substantially, so  that  the  word  or  phrase  at  the  head  of  the
description  stands out.  If the sequence "@\" or a ^I (TAB) character is found
on the first line of a DESCRIPTION, it will be taken as a signal to tab to  the
indented margin provided that it has not yet been passed.  Thus, this input:

    Segment^IOne of the parts into which something naturally
    separates or is divided; a division, portion,
    or section.

PAGE 16                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

    Section^I       A part that is cut off or separated; a distinct
                    part or  subdivision of anything, as an object,
                    country, or class.

will produce this output:

Segment         One of the parts into which something naturally separates or is
                divided; a division, portion, or section.

Section         A  part  that  is  cut  off  or  separated;  a distinct part or
                subdivision of anything, as an object, country, or class. EQUATION
  An EQUATION insert is almost identical to a DISPLAY insert:  each line in the
manuscript file generates one line in the document, the left and right  margins
will  be  inset  a  bit,  and  it  is  printed  in the standard body font.  The
difference is that the EQUATION insert will cause  an  automatically  generated
equation  number to be printed in the right margin of each line in which a @TAG
command (see section 8.1, page 53) appears.  The @TAG command is used  to  mark
cross-reference  points, and only those equations that will be cross-referenced
need be numbered.

  This input text:

    @i[x]@-[n+1] = @i[x]@-[n]-@i[F](@i[x]@-[n])/@i[F]'(@i[x]@-[n])
    @tag(Newton)@i[x]@-[n+1] = (@i[x]@-[n]+@i[c]/@i[x]@-[n])

might produce output that looks like this (notice the equation number  over  at
the right):

    x    = x -F(x )/F'(x )
     n+1    n    n      n
    x    = (x +c/x )                                                     (3-12)
     n+1     n    n

PREPARING A MANUSCRIPT                                                  PAGE 17 THEOREM
  A  THEOREM insert is almost identical to a QUOTATION insert:  it will produce
a single-spaced justified block of text, with the left and right margins pulled
in a bit.  The  difference  is  that  each  time  you  do  a  @Theorem()  or  a
@Begin(Theorem),  SCRIBE  will add the prefix text "Theorem" and then print the
current theorem number.  Thus, this input text:

    @Theorem(The closed interval [a,b] is compact)
    A closed bounded subset of R@+[n] is compact.

might produce this output text:

      Theorem 1-4: The closed interval [a,b] is compact.

      . . .
      Theorem 1-5: A closed bounded subset of R  is compact.

  See section 8.1 for a discussion of how to  cross-reference  theorem  numbers
using the @Tag and @Ref commands.

3.5 Footnotes
  To get a footnote  into running text, simply insert the sequence

    @foot(body of footnote)

into  your  text  at  the  point where the superscripted footnote marker should
appear.  The footnote in the previous sentence was generated by

    To get a footnote@foot(Like this one) into running text, simply

Notice that SCRIBE automatically generates footnote numbers and  puts  them  in
the proper places; don't put the numbers in yourself.
   Like this one

PAGE 18                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

  In  providing  such  a simple footnote mechanism, we feel a responsibility to
advise you to use  it  sparingly.    Footnotes  seriously  interfere  with  the
readability  of  a  paragraph, and their excessive use will distract the reader
rather than help him.

3.6 Indexing
  Some document types request that an index be generated  at  the  end  of  the
document.    This  index does not magically become full of entries; rather, you
have to tell SCRIBE what to put in the index.  It's really quite simple.    You
use  the  @Index command, and provide the text of the index entry.  SCRIBE will
fill in the correct page  number  and  see  to  it  that  the  entries  are  in
alphabetical order.

  At any point in the text, you may put an index entry of the form

    @index(Text to be indexed)

Nothing  will  appear in the running text output at that point, but "Text to be
indexed" will appear in the index with the correct page number:

    Text to be indexed    18

  @Index works like @Foot in that it doesn't  interrupt  the  sequence  of  the
text.  For example, the input

    Place the peaches and apples@index(peaches)@index(apples)
    in a glass jug and pour in the wine.@index(wine)  A few
    teaspoons of sugar may be added if a sweeter drink
    is preferred, though it is not normally done.

will produce this output:

      Place  the  peaches and apples in a glass jug and pour in the wine. A
    few teaspoons of sugar may be added if a sweeter  drink  is  preferred,
    though it is not normally done.

You may consult the index of this manual to see how those three entries look.

  You  may  put  SCRIBE  commands  into  the index text if you want, but if you
include any that cause a paragraph break you will get an unsatisfactory result.
As usual, if you want an @ sign to appear in the index, you have to use two:

PREPARING A MANUSCRIPT                                                  PAGE 19

    @Index(@@index command)

  The  index  entries  will  be sorted into alphabetical order according to the
standard "Ascii" code.  If you've put an "@" sign at  the  front  of  an  index
entry (as we have in the example of the last paragraph), then it will be sorted
as if "@" were the first letter.  A facility exists whereby you can make things
appear  in the index out of normal alphabetical order; you will have to consult
the Experts' Manual to learn how to use it.

3.7 Special Characters
  Remember that a computer keyboard normally has  only  95  characters  on  it.
People  frequently  want  to include special characters, whether a Greek letter
like @g[P] or @g[z], or a mathematical symbol  like  ?<  or  ?7. These  special
characters  are  not  available on the keyboard as individual keys.  If you are
using an output device that is capable of printing special characters, you  can
get  SCRIBE to print them for you.  If you are not using such an output device,
you can get SCRIBE to leave space for you to write in the characters by hand.

3.7.1 Getting SCRIBE to Print Special Characters
  SCRIBE lets you specify special  characters  via  multiple-character  "escape
sequences".    They  are called "escape sequences" (a piece of computer jargon)
because you escape from the normal meaning of the character.  For  example,  if
your manuscript file contains

    if A ?< B then @g(L) must be 0

then your finished output will contain

    if A ?< B then @g(L) must be 0

The @g(L) to print a lambda is a "font-change" code, which changes to the Greek
font.    Font-change  codes  are  described in section 3.3; page GREEKMAP has a
table of the Greek letters that you can get with the @g command.  The "?<" is a
special-character escape sequence to generate the less-or-equal character.    A
table of the special-character codes is on page CHARMAP.

3.7.2 Faking Special Characters
  If the printing device that you are using cannot print the character you have
asked  for,  SCRIBE  will  leave  a  blank  spot  there so that you can put the

PAGE 20                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

character  in  by  hand.    If  you  don't want to learn how to produce special
characters, you can do the same thing:    just  leave  a  blank  spot  in  your
manuscript  and  then  write the character in with a pen.  Anywhere you put the
sequence "@#", SCRIBE will leave a  blank  space  large  enough  to  write  one
character.  Thus, if your manuscript file contains

    Kaiser Wilhelmstra@#e

then SCRIBE will replace that "@#" by a wide space, printing:

    Kaiser Wilhelmstra e

whereupon you would take pen in hand and write in the "?#" character:

    Kaiser Wilhelmstra?#e

  If  you will need to write special characters in by hand, SCRIBE will produce
a list that shows you where this must be done; you need just sit down with  the
list and a black pen and write the characters in.

DOCUMENT TYPES AND STYLES                                               PAGE 21

4. Document Types and Styles
  Remembering  our view that SCRIBE aspires to be a substitute for a secretary,
consider the case in which a secretary is handed a rough draft of something and
told to "make a letter" or "make a memo." Part of his  job  is  to  know  about
basic  document  types  and  to be able to produce them as needed.  SCRIBE also
knows about basic document types, and will produce the kind  of  document  that
you tell it to.

  Each  time  SCRIBE  is  run, it produces a document of a particular "Document
Type"  for  a  particular  printing  device.    A  Document  Type  includes   a
specification   of  page  format,  paragraphing  style,  margins,  heading  and
subheading style, and so forth.  Some document types are very specialized, such
as the one named "IEEE", which produces  documents  in  the  style  and  layout
demanded  by the various IEEE journals.  Other document types are very general,
such as the one named "TEXT", which produces  paragraphed,  justified  text  on
numbered pages.

  Novice  SCRIBE  users  should  use  the  TEXT  document  type first (it's the
document type that you get if you don't ask for any particular one).   As  they
gain  more  experience with the system or as they find the need to produce more
complicated documents, they should try other document types.

4.1 SCRIBE's Database of Document Types
  Document types are defined by entries in SCRIBE's database.  When you request
SCRIBE to produce a particular document type, it searches its database for  the
definition  and  then  reads  in  the  definition, thereby setting itself up to
produce the requested document.  If  SCRIBE  cannot  find  in  its  database  a
document  type  with  the name that you ask for, it will tell you and then just
halt; it can't really go on.

4.2 Specifying a Document Type: the @Make command
  The @Make command specifies  document  type.    @Make(LETTER),  for  example,
specifies  the  "LETTER" document type; @Make(TEXT) specifies the TEXT document
type.  The @Make command must come at the beginning of a manuscript file or  it
will  not  be honored.  By "beginning" we mean before any text or commands that
aren't "setup" commands.  The five "setup" commands are @Make, @Device, @Style,
@Font, and @Part.  If you use any of these five commands, all of them must come
before any of the other commands.

  SCRIBE knows about the document types that are listed in figure 4-1, which is
to say that it is the list of names that you can put in a @Make command.  Since
SCRIBE is still under development, we expect that the set of available document
types will be expanded in due time.
  In the Experts' Manual that is a companion to the one you  are  now  reading,

PAGE 22                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

    REPORT          A  document  with  a  title  page,  divided  into  numbered
                    chapters, sections, subsections, and the like; an automatic
                    table of contents and outline will be generated.
    MANUAL          Like REPORT, but with an index.  This manual  was  produced
                    using document type MANUAL.
    ARTICLE         A  sectioned  document  like  REPORT, but without chapters;
                    SECTION is the highest-level of sectioning.
    LETTERHEAD      A business letter with CMU letterhead.
    LETTER          A personal letter; you provide the return address
    POSTER          A single-page poster or announcement
    SLIDE           An overhead-projector slide.  Font and  line  spacing  have
                    been chosen to maximize readability.

                       Figure 4-1: SCRIBE Document Types

you can find out how to define your own document types or modify the appearance
of  existing  ones.    We  recommend that you not attempt this until you are an
experienced SCRIBE user.  In the meantime, you  may  use  one  of  the  variant
document  styles  described  in the next section, or you may use the @Style and
@Font commands that are described in chapter 9 to get small changes  in  format
and style and type face.

4.3 Style Variations
  SCRIBE's  standard  document  type  for  producing  user  manuals  is  called
"MANUAL".  This SCRIBE manual was produced in that  style.    Different  people
like different styles, though, and one particular "Manual" style isn't going to
please  everybody.   SCRIBE therefore has a mechanism for changing the style of
formatting without changing the basic document type.

  This manual was produced in form 1 of the document type "Manual".  The  @Make
command that was used to produce it was

    @Make(Manual,Form 1)

If it had been instead

    @Make(Manual,Form 2)

then  the  form-2  "Manual"  format  would have been used instead; if the @Make
command had been just

DOCUMENT TYPES AND STYLES                                               PAGE 23


then  the  normal  "Manual" format would have been produced.  These "forms", or
style variations, have been produced by various SCRIBE users  who  didn't  like
the  standard  style.   Form-1 "Manual" format uses different type fonts, while
form-2 "Manual" uses wider margins and wider line spacing.

  Each time a new installation starts using SCRIBE, they find that  they  don't
like  certain  things  about  its  formats.  The new users typically make small
style changes to the document-type definitions in the SCRIBE  data  base.    As
those  small  changes  filter  back  to  CMU,  they get installed in our master
version of the data base as variant styles of our basic document types.

PAGE 24                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

5. Titles, Headings, Sections, and the Table of Contents
  Almost  every  document  has  a  title.   Some have title pages.  Others have
headings and subheadings here and there in the text.  In this chapter, you will
find out how to get various kinds of titles and headings.

  As usual, we'll start with some vocabulary.  A document has one and only  one
title. This  title  goes  on  the  title page, at the top of the first page, or
something like that.  A document can have many  headings. Sometimes  you  might
want  to  put  a  few  subheadings  inside  a  heading.  If you give numbers to
headings and subheadings, then they become sections. At the top (and/or bottom)
of every page are the page headings, sometimes known in the  printing  business
as "running headers".

  Different  document  types  use  different  schemes  to  produce  headings or
sections.  This manual, for example,  was  produced  using  the  document  type
"MANUAL";  it  is divided into numbered chapters, sections, and subsections and
has a table of contents.  A  smaller  document  might  have  sections  but  not
chapters;  a  short  piece  of  text  might  have  just  a heading or two.  The
particular SCRIBE commands that you should use to get headings in your document
depend on what kind of a document you are producing.

5.1 Headings in a Document Without a Table of Contents
  There is a simple set of heading commands to produce headings  for  documents
without  tables  of  contents.   They are simple because all they have to do is
print the heading:  they don't have to give it a number or put it in the  table
of contents.  Use

    MajorHeading    to get large letters, centered.
    Heading         to get medium-size letters, centered.
    SubHeading      to  get  normal-size  boldface  letters,  flush to the left

  Thus, this input sequence:

    @MajorHeading(This is a Major Heading)
    @Heading(This is a Heading)
    @Subheading(This is a Subheading)

will produce this output:


                            THIS IS A MAJOR HEADING

                               THIS IS A HEADING

This is a Subheading

  That's  all  there  is  to  it.  Since these heading commands are really just
insert names, you can use the "long form" call on them also:

    This is a Major Heading
    This is a Heading
    This is a Subheading

will produce the same results as the previous example.

5.2 Headings in a Document Having a Table of Contents
  A document having a table of contents must use a different  set  of  commands
for  headings.  They are different because they must both print the headings in
the text and make an entry in the table of contents.   Usually  these  commands
will  automatically  number  the chapters and sections, though in some document
types they will not.

  The use of these sectioning commands is as simple as can be:

    @Chapter(Chapter Title)

declares (and prints) a chapter title;

    @Section(Section Title)

declares (and prints) a section title.

  In document types  REPORT  and  MANUAL,  you  get  the  following  sectioning

Left heading                    center heading                    Right heading

    Chapter, Section, SubSection, and Paragraph
    Appendix and AppendixSection

  In  document  type  ARTICLE,  you  get  the  same  list except "Chapter"; the
highest-order sectioning command in an ARTICLE is "Section".   UnNumbered  uses
the  same  style  and  font  size  as Chapter, but it is not assigned a chapter

  The easiest way to show you what these commands do is to draw your  attention
to the table of contents at the front of this manual, and to reproduce here the
first few sectioning commands that were used in it:

    @section(Some Explanation for Non-Programmers)
    @section(Some Explanation for Programmers)
    @chapter(Getting Started)
    @section(Preparing Input for Scribe)
    @section(Running Scribe)
    @Section(Printing Devices)
    @Subsection(Getting SCRIBE to Print Special Characters)
    @SubSection(Faking Special Characters)
    @Chapter(Preparing a Manuscript)

  Notice  that  Chapter,  Appendix,  UnNumbered,  and  PrefaceSection all cause
SCRIBE to start at the top of a new page.

5.3 Numbering Pages and Page Headings
  The information printed at the top or bottom of each page is  called  a  page
heading  (or  page  footing).    Normally SCRIBE will number the pages for you,
putting a page number centered at the top of all pages after the  first.    You
may, if you like, change the page headings to any text that you want.

  The  page  heading  and  footing  areas are divided into three parts:  a left
part, a center part, and a right part.  These parts are printed  at  the  left,
center, and right sides of the heading or footing area.
The  headings and footings of this page are labeled to show you the position of
these six fields.

  Page  headings  and  footings  are  declared  with   the   @Pageheading   and
@PageFooting commands.  The commands for this page said:
Left footing                    center footing                    Right footing


    @Pageheading(left "Left heading",center "center heading",
            right "Right heading")
    @Pagefooting(left "Left footing",center "center footing",
            right "Right footing")

The  text  fields  inside  the  quotes  can  contain anything, including SCRIBE
commands.  To get the current page number, use  "@Value(Page)".    To  get  the
date, use "@Value(Date)".  Thus, this command:

    @PageHeading(left "Reference Manual",center "@value(Date)",
                                         ,right "@value(page)")

will  cause  the  pages  to have "Reference Manual" in the top left corner, the
current date in the top center, and the page number in the  top  right  corner.
Section 10.4.1 will tell you more about the @Value command.

  The  @Pageheadinng  and @Pagefooting commands may take an optional parameter,
IMMEDIATE.  If the IMMEDIATE parameter is present:

    @PageHeading(Immediate,Left="Left heading",....)

then the heading of the current page will be changed.  In the  absence  of  the
"Immediate"  parameter, the newly-declared heading or footing won't take effect
until the following page.

  You may declare different page headings to be used on odd and even pages.  If
you are going to be reproducing your document printed  on  both  sides  of  the
paper,  then  you will want odd and even headings to be the mirror image of one
another.  Use two different @PageHeading commands, one containing  the  keyword
"odd" and the other containing the keyword "even".  The commands that generated
the page headings for this manual are:

    @pageheading(even,right "@c[SCRIBE Users' Manual]",
                      left "@c[Page @ref(page)]")
    @pageheading(odd,left "@c[@Title(Chapter)]",
                     right "@c[Page @ref(page)]")

The @Title command is described in section 10.4.2. 

PAGE 28                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

5.4 Title Pages
  The  document types REPORT and MANUAL (and their variations) include a simple
mechanism for generating title pages.

  Surround the title page text with a @Begin(TitlePage) and a  @End(TitlePage).
These  will cause the title page to be on a page by itself, and text within the
title page to be centered.

  At CMU, the title page for a technical report should have the title,  author,
and  date  of publication visible within a "box" that will be reproduced on the
cover of the report.  To put text in this box, use the insert type  "TitleBox".
If  you  do a @Begin(TitleBox), the next line of text will be positioned at the
very top of the title box region.  When you @End(TitleBox), text assembly  will
shift  down to a region of the page that is no longer in the title box.  To get
large or medium letters  inside  the  title  box,  use  the  "MajorHeading"  or
"Heading" commands described in section 5.1.

  The  insert  type  "CopyrightNotice" is used to put a copyright notice on the
title page.  If you type this text into the manuscript file:

    @CopyrightNotice(L. Frank Baum)

then SCRIBE will put the following line on your title page, at  an  appropriate
spot near the bottom:

                       Copyright -C- 1978 L. Frank Baum

for the current year.

  The  insert type "ResearchCredit" is used to put a research funding credit at
the  bottom  of  the  title  page.    Any  text  that   you   put   between   a
@Begin(ResearchCredit)   and   @End(ResearchCredit)   will   be  placed  in  an
appropriate spot at the bottom of the page, justified and single spaced.

  See appendix I.1 for an example of a title page.

FIGURES AND TABLES                                                      PAGE 29

6. Figures and Tables
  Figures  and  tables  are  inserted into the manuscript file in very much the
same way as any  other  kind  of  insert:    you  mark  the  beginning  with  a
@Begin(Figure)  or  @Enter(Figure),  and  mark  the end with an @End(Figure) or
@Leave(Figure).  Between those delimiters you place the commands  necessary  to
produce the figure.

  A figure has three parts:

  1. A  figure  body. The  figure body can be something you paste onto the
     finished document.  It can be an image picture printed  on  the  XGP.
     It  can be text produced with SCRIBE.  How you produce it is your own

  2. A caption. All figures must have captions.  You provide the  text  of
     the  caption,  and  you decide how it is to be placed with respect to
     the figure body.

  3. A figure number. Figures are  numbered  sequentially.    SCRIBE  will
     automatically assign numbers to figures, and you can use the standard
     SCRIBE cross-reference mechanism (see section 8.1) to refer to them.

6.1 Generating Figure Bodies
  You  may  generate  the  body  of  a  figure using any of the standard SCRIBE
environments, such as FORMAT, VERBATIM, or EXAMPLE.  You may also generate  the
body  of  a  figure  using  the  special commands @Blankspace or @Picture.  The
@Blankspace command leaves a blank space in your document; the @Picture command
(which works only on the XGP, and then only on the CMU XGP)  inserts  an  image
picture into the document .

                       Figure 6-1: Sample Image Picture

6.1.1 The @Blankspace Command
  The   @Blankspace   command   makes  a  blank  space  of  a  specified  size.
   Image pictures are binary files produced by  the  SPACS  program,  the  PLOT
program,  and  others.    These  programs are mentioned in the CMU Introductory
Users' Manual and are fully documented in other manuals.

PAGE 30                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

@Blankspace(3  inches)  makes a blank space about 3 inches high; @Blankspace(16
cm) makes a blank space about 16 centimeters high.   We  say  "about",  because
SCRIBE  will  always  leave a small margin above and below the blank space that
you request.  You may use the distance  units  "inches",  "in",  "inch",  "cm",
"mm",  or "lines".  If you specify the amount of blank space in lines, then the
amount that you actually get will depend on the font and printing device  being

6.1.2 The @Picture Command
  The  @Picture  command  needs  two arguments:  the size of the image picture,
measured in XGP scan lines, and the name of the PDP-10 file that  will  contain
the  image  picture  at  the  time you are printing the document on the XGP.  A
typical @Picture command might be:

    @Picture(622,File "TEMP:IOBUS.IMG[F100CH00]")

This command will generate an image picture that is 622 scan lines high  (about
3.4  inches), and whose definition can be found in the file "TEMP:IOBUS.IMG" on
the account F100CH00 .

6.2 Generating Figure Captions
  Figure captions are generated with the @Caption command.  The call is just

    @Caption(Text of Figure Caption)

SCRIBE will add the word "Figure" and the correct figure number; what will  get
printed in the finished document will be something like:

                      Figure 3-6: Text of Figure Caption

   CMU  Computer  Science  Department  users please note: the file name and PPN
specified here are evaluated on CMU-10B, regardless of which  machine  you  run
SCRIBE  on.  If  you have different account numbers on different machines, make
sure that you use the 10-B account numbers in the @Picture command

FIGURES AND TABLES                                                      PAGE 31

6.3 Figure Numbers
  Figures  are  numbered  automatically  during  the processing of the @Caption
command.  If you don't put a caption on a figure, it won't get a  number.    If
you  want to reference the figure in the text of the document, you will want to
put a@Tag command into the body of the figure.  The right place to put the @Tag
is after the @Caption.  If you put it before the @Caption,  you  will  get  the
wrong  figure  number assigned to the tag, because the number will not yet have
been incremented.

6.4 Full-page figures
  If you want to  make  sure  that  a  figure  occupies  an  entire  page,  use
"FullPageFigure" instead of "Figure":

    <figure body>
    @Caption(figure caption)

The  figure  will  be  given  a page to itself.  If you want the caption at the
bottom of the page, you must put in the right amount of spacing yourself.

  If you want to leave a blank figure page in the document, use the  @Blankpage


will  leave  one "blank" figure page.  This figure page will have page headings
and footings, and will be given a page number, but nothing will be  printed  on

  You  may  remember  that  there  is a @Newpage command (section 7.4.2), which
starts a new page and can leave a specified number of blank pages.   @Blankpage
differs  from @Newpage in a subtle but important way.  When SCRIBE encounters a
@Newpage command, it skips immediately to the top  of  the  next  page.    When
SCRIBE  encounters  a  @Blankpage command, it makes a note about the blank page
request but continues on the current page; then when it finally  comes  to  the
end of the current page, it will put in the extra blank page(s) at that point.

  The sequence

PAGE 32                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL


will yield exactly the same effect as




7. Format Control: Tabs, Columns, and Cursor Movement
  SCRIBE  provides  several ways to get text or numbers formatted into columns.
For  simple  formats  or  small  amounts  of  tabular  material,  the  VERBATIM
environment  serves  admirably.   For more complex formatting, typewriter-style
tab stops, set in fixed columns,  are  available;  they  may  be  used  in  any
environment, but FORMAT is a frequent choice.

  For  small  amounts  of  tabular  material, it might be easiest to format "by
hand" at the terminal and use a VERBATIM insert.  In  VERBATIM,  SCRIBE  copies
each  line  of  the input manuscript file to one line in the output, and uses a
fixed-width font so that characters will line up correctly.

  For example, if the input manuscript file contains this text:

            Directory listing       26-Jun-78        0:56:57
    Name Extension Len  Prot     Access      ---Creation---

    ARTICL  MAK    25  <155>   24-Jun-78    11:59   22-Jun-78
    TEXT    MAK     3  <055>   24-Jun-78     0:56   24-Jun-78
    MCFREP  MAK     9  <055>   26-Jun-78    18:30   24-Jun-78
    MANUAL  MAK    48  <055>   25-Jun-78    22:48   24-Jun-78
      Total of 85 blocks in 4 files on DSKC: [C410BR10]

then the finished document, when printed, will look like this:
          Directory listing       26-Jun-78        0:56:57
  Name Extension Len  Prot     Access      ---Creation---

  ARTICL  MAK    25  <155>   24-Jun-78    11:59   22-Jun-78
  TEXT    MAK     3  <055>   24-Jun-78     0:56   24-Jun-78
  MCFREP  MAK     9  <055>   26-Jun-78    18:30   24-Jun-78
  MANUAL  MAK    48  <055>   25-Jun-78    22:48   24-Jun-78
    Total of 85 blocks in 4 files on DSKC: [C410BR10]
The fixed-width font is important so that columns will line up correctly:    if
we  printed  that  same text in our normal font (which has different widths for
different characters), it would come out looking like this:

PAGE 34                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

          Directory listing       26-Jun-78        0:56:57
  Name Extension Len  Prot     Access      ---Creation---

  ARTICL  MAK    25  <155>   24-Jun-78    11:59   22-Jun-78
  TEXT    MAK     3  <055>   24-Jun-78     0:56   24-Jun-78
  MCFREP  MAK     9  <055>   26-Jun-78    18:30   24-Jun-78
  MANUAL  MAK    48  <055>   25-Jun-78    22:48   24-Jun-78
    Total of 85 blocks in 4 files on DSKC: [C410BR10]

7.2 Tabs and Tabs Stops
  SCRIBE  has  a  tab-stop  mechanism  that works pretty much the way tabs on a
typewriter work.  Tabs may be set in any horizontal position, and when a  "tab"
command  is  found,  SCRIBE  will  move  right  to  the next tab stop and start
formatting there.

7.2.1 Setting Tab Stops
  It's very simple to clear and set SCRIBE tabs.  The  @TabClear  command  will
clear all tabs, and the @Tabs command will set them.  Thus, the sequence


will  clear  all  tabs  and  then  set new tabs 1, 2 and 3 inches from the left
margin of the current environment.

  The @TabDivide command will divide the  formatting  area  into  a  particular
number  of  columns, making them however wide they must be in order to fit that
many columns on the page.  Thus,


will set 4 tab stops, each 1/5th of the way across the page.  The right  margin
serves as the final tab stop.

  The @. command sets a tab in the current cursor position.  Thus, the sequence

    This line for setting stops.


will  clear  all  tabs  and  then set two new tabs.  The document will show the

    This line is for setting tab stops.
              ^              ^

The exact location of these new tabs depends on the font in use.  The first one
will be set at the distance that the letters "This line" occupy on the page.

7.2.2 Tabbing to a Tab Stop
  The @\ command tells SCRIBE to move its formatting cursor to the right  until
it  encounters  the next tab stop.  If there is no tab stop to the right of the
cursor position, then it will be moved to the right margin.

  The ^I or TAB character on your  terminal's  keyboard  does  not  generate  a
SCRIBE tab, but rather is converted into a series of blank spaces.

7.3 Fancy Cursor Control
  This  section tells you how to do more elaborate cursor control.  These fancy
cursor-control  features  can  be  used,  for  example,   to   generate   wierd
mathematical  formatting.   If you don't see how these features would be useful
to you, then they aren't.

7.3.1 Overprinting
  The @ovp command allows you to overprint things.  @ovp[text] lays down "text"
and then backspaces over it.  Thus

    Simple example of @ovp(=)/ overprinting.

will generate the output

    Simple example of  = overprinting.

If you  use  the  @ovp  command,  your  document  will  most  likely  not  give
satisfactory  results  on a printing device other than the one you are used to,
because the appearance of overstruck letters varies markedly from one  printing
device  to  another.  If you want to overprint an underline character you would

PAGE 36                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

be  better  served  to use the @U command, because different output devices use
different characters for underlining.

  You can use @ovp to fabricate an approximation to  some  special  characters.
The  sequence  "@ovp(?+)/" will generate "?+, which is a rough approximation to
the mathematical symbol for "is not a subset of".   If  you  are  going  to  be
producing  a  lot  of  special  characters  on the XGP, you would be better off
making a private character set file that contains those special characters; see

  If you are so motivated, you can create real junk with the @ovp command:

    This line is @ovp(Carefully)overstruck


    This line is  Carefullyk

7.3.2 The Return Marker
  SCRIBE maintains a "return marker", which is a fixed memory of  a  particular
horizontal  position on the page.  You set the return marker by putting "@!" in
your text.  Wherever "@!" occurs, the return marker will be set to the  current
horizontal cursor position.

  Whenever  SCRIBE  finds  an  "@/",  it moves the cursor to the return marker.
This will work regardless of whether the cursor was to the left or right of the
return marker.

  One use of the return marker is building super-subscripts:





7.3.3 Centering, Flush Left, and Flush Right
  SCRIBE has commands that make it take pieces of text and center them or flush
them right.  Left flush is no big trick.

  To  flush  a  text  fragment  right,  it must be flushed "against" something.
Usually text is flushed to the right margin,

                                                                      like this

but text can be flushed right against any tab stop:
                            text flushed
                      against a tab stop

  To flush a text fragment to the right, you have to delimit the fragment to be
flushed and you have to tell SCRIBE what to flush it against.   The  code  "@>"
(looking  vaguely like a right arrow) says "begin a flush-right operation".  If
there is a tab sequence (@\) later in the  line,  then  SCRIBE  will  find  the
column  that the tab sequence tabs to, and then flush right against that column
position.  If there is no tab sequence later in  the  line,  then  SCRIBE  will
flush the rest of the line against the right margin.

  It's time for an example.  This input:

    1.@>Flushed to right margin
    2.@>to tab stop@\
    3.@>longer line flushed to different tab stop@\
    4.This line starts in the middle @>and flushes from here

produces this output:

    1.                                                  Flushed to right margin
    2.       to tab stop
    3. longer line flushed to different tab stop
    4.This line starts in the middle                      and flushes from here

Since  there is no @\ in line 1 after the @> code, the remainder of the line is
flushed against the right margin.  Line 2 has a @\ tab code at the end, so  the
line  is  flushed  right against the tab stop to which that @\ tabs.  Line 3 is

PAGE 38                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

like  line  2,  except  that  by  the time the @\ code is reached, the line has
already passed the first tab stop, so the @\ moves to the second tab  stop  and
the line is flushed to that second tab stop.  Line 4 shows a fragment of a line
being flushed right.

  Before  talking about the commands that center, let's talk about what we mean
by centering.  Centering requires that there be a left and right marker of some
kind, and that the text be centered between them.  For example,

                       this line is centered in the page


          this is centered in               this is centered in
            the left half of                 the right half of
                the page                          the page

SCRIBE uses tab stops and margins as the reference points for  centering.    If
there  are  no  tab  stops  set,  it will always use the current left and right
margins as centering guides.  If there are tab stops, then SCRIBE will use them
instead.  More detail in a minute.

  To center something, you have to mark the left and right ends of the thing to
be centered.  Mark the left end always with "@=".  You may mark the  right  end
with "@\" (a tab), with another "@=", with a "@>", or with the end of the line.
If  you  mark the right end with nothing, then SCRIBE will center the remainder
of the line and use the right margin for a right-hand centering guide.

  When SCRIBE finds a @= (begin centering) code  or  a  @>  (begin  flushright)
code,  it  first checks to see if there was a previous unclosed @= or @> on the
same line.  If there was, then SCRIBE simulates a @\ code (tab),  which  closes
the  previous  center  or  rightflush  code.    If  this  all  sounds  much too
complicated, then contemplate the following example.  This input:



produces this output:
1.a                 b                   c                   d
2.       e                   f                   g                   h
3.       i                   j                   k                   l
4.Left Center                                                             right
5.Left Center  right
6.Left                              Center                                right

  In  line  1, the "b", "c", and "d" are positioned immediately after the three
tab stops set by @TabDivide(4), so they will serve as markers to help  you  see
the position of those tab stops.  Line 2 has four letters, one centered in each
of  the  four columns.  Each of them is in a centering field marked on the left
with a "@=" code and on the right with a "@\" (tab) code.  Line 3 produces  the
same  effect  without the "@\" codes; the "@=" code serves like a "@\" then the
"@\" is missing.

  Compare lines 4, 5, and 6. In line 4, a centering zone is begun  by  a  "@=";
the  next  code  on  the line is the "@>".  Since there is no "@\" to close the
centered zone, the "@>" first simulates a "@\", thereby tabbing  to  the  first
tab  column,  and  centering  the "Center" word between the left margin and the
first tab stop.  There is no "@\" code to end the "@>" flush-right code, so the
rest of the line (i.e. the word "right") is flushed to the right margin.   Line
5  is  identical  to  line 4 except that there is a "@\" code at the end, which
causes "right" to be flushed to the appropriate tab stop and not to  the  right
margin.   Line 6 is identical to line 4, but the tab stops have been cleared by
a @TabClear command.  This makes the "Center" right marker be the right margin,
since there is not a tab stop for it to settle on.

7.4 Controlling Word, Line, and Page Breaks
  SCRIBE sometimes decides to break a line at a  place  that  you  don't  like;
sometimes  it  might  break  a  page  between two lines that really ought to be
together on the same page.  This section tells  you  how  to  get  things  kept
together.    It  also tells you how to force word breaks, line breaks, and page

PAGE 40                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL


7.4.1 Controlling Word and Line Breaks
  SCRIBE breaks lines between words.  To change where it breaks a line, we must
change  what  it  thinks  is a word.  Words are separated by blanks, so what we
need is a means of making SCRIBE think that a blank is part of  a  word  rather
than a separator between two of them.  A blank that is part of a word is called
a   significant   blank. The  need  for  significant  blanks  arises  often  in
mathematical formatting.  If you are going to write x = y, you don't want the x
on one line and the = y  on  another:    you  want  to  make  the  blanks  into
significant blanks.

  There  are  two  ways  to  do  this.  The sequence "@ " (an @ sign and then a
space) generates a significant blank, which is treated by SCRIBE exactly as  if
it were a letter.  Thus, you could write

    x@ =@ y

to  make  a  single  word  out  of  that  equation.    For long and complicated
equations, it gets a bit tedious to put an "@ " instead of  every  blank;  it's
also  quite  hard  to read.  SCRIBE therefore provides a command that makes all
blanks in its range into significant blanks:  @w. So

    @w[x = y]

produces the same results as our previous example.

  The @| command is used to tell SCRIBE that it may break a word at that point.
If your text contains "Abra@|cadabra", for example, then  the  output  document
might  contain  "Abracadabra"  printed  together  as a single word, or it might
contain "Abra" on one line and "cadabra" on the next line, depending on how the
line filling happened.  "@|" is stronger than @w -- if you use "@|" inside a @w
group, the "@|" will win, and a word break will be allowed there.

  If you want to force a line break to occur before it otherwise might, use the
"@*" command.  When SCRIBE is justifying text and comes across an "@*", it will
start a new line without justifying the old one.  If SCRIBE encounters  a  "@*"
while  processing  unjustified  text,  it  will  be  treated  as  if it were an


7.4.2 Controlling Page Breaks
  Normally SCRIBE will start a new page when the old one is full, regardless of
what  it is doing at the time.  If SCRIBE happens to be processing an insert at
the moment that the page becomes full, the insert  will  be  split  across  two
pages.  It is often desirable to ensure that an insert will not be split across
a  page.    There  are two ways to proceed if an insert will not fit on a page:
start a new page (leaving blank space at the bottom of the previous  page),  or
"float"  the  insert  to  the  top  of  a  nearby  page  and  continue the text
uninterrupted at that point.  Both of these options are available in SCRIBE. To
ask for them, you need to use the long-form insert specification  (with  @Begin
and @End).

  To  allow  an  insert  to  float if it won't fit on the current page, add the
keyword FLOAT to the @Begin marker:

    Text of verse

If the verse insert won't fit, the text will continue without interruption, and
the insert will appear on the top of the next page.

  To require that a new page be started if an insert doesn't fit on the current
page, use the keyword GROUP:

    Text of display insert

The @HINGE command may be put into a GROUPed insert to allow it to be broken at
that point.  If one or more @Hinge commands are in a GROUPed insert, it will be
treated as a sequence of smaller inserts, each one being GROUPed.  @Hinge  will
be  ignored  if it appears anywhere but inside a GROUPed insert.  @Hinge always
forces a new output line.

  If you would like to force  a  page  break  to  occur  prematurely,  use  the
@Newpage  command.  "@Newpage" causes SCRIBE to start at the top of a new page.
"@NEWPAGE(how many)" causes it to leave <how many> blank pages, then  start  at
the top of a new page.  These pages will not be totally blank; rather they will
have  page headings and/or footings.  If you would like completely blank pages,
just put blank paper in your document at that point.

PAGE 42                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

8. Cross Reference, Bibliography, and Citation
  SCRIBE  does automatic bookkeeping of cross references of various kinds.  One
kind of cross reference is the bibliographic citation, a reference to something
mentioned in the bibliography.  Another kind of cross  reference  is  the  text
reference, which is a reference to some other part of the document.

8.1 Cross References
  A  cross  reference  is a notation like "see page 13" or "see chapter 5".  If
you are typing a document by hand, it is a major feat to get  cross  references
right;  and  if you change anything, they are suddenly wrong again.  The Joy of
Cooking, an 800-page kitchen classic, averages 7  to  8  cross  references  per
page.   We shudder to think of the work that it took to get all 5000 to 6000 of
them right.

  SCRIBE will  do  cross  referencing  automatically,  by  letting  you  define
codewords  to  mark  places  in  the  text, then filling in the correct page or
section number wherever you reference the codeword.   There  are  two  separate
kinds of cross references, but their use is nearly identical.  You may refer to
the  page  or  section number containing a piece of text, or you may refer to a
specific equation or theorem or example by  number.    These  are  called  text
references and object references respectively.

8.1.1 Text References: the @LABEL Command
  The  mechanism  for text references is quite simple.  If you put the sequence
@LABEL(Codeword), for some codeword that you choose, anywhere  in  a  document,
SCRIBE  will  note  the  page  and  section number at the spot where the @Label
appeared.  If you put @REF(Codeword) somewhere else, SCRIBE will  fill  in  the
section  number  of the text that contains the corresponding @Label; if you put
@PAGEREF(Codeword), SCRIBE will fill in the page number  of  the  corresponding

  To take an example from this manual, we said on page 16 that

      ... each  line  in  which  a  @TAG command (see section 8.1, page 42)

The manuscript file text that generated that line actually contains:

    ... each line in which a @@TAG command (see section
    @ref(Xrefs), page @pageref(Xrefs)) appears.


Someplace  in  section  8.1  there  is  a  @Label(Xrefs) command.  "Xrefs" is a
codeword that was picked more or less arbitrarily to stand  for  that  section.
You  must  choose  your own codewords and spell them the same everywhere in the

  If a @REF at the beginning of a document references  a  @LABEL  at  the  end,
SCRIBE  will  use the page number that was generated the last time the document
was processed.  If the document has never been  processed  before,  then  there
won't be any "last time", and SCRIBE will tell you to process the file a second
time if you want the cross references right.

  If you have made changes to a document, some of the cross references might be
wrong  the  first  time  you  SCRIBE  it  after  making those changes.  If this
happens, SCRIBE will tell you; you then have the option of printing the file as
it stands (with the errors, but knowing that it's not your final copy and  that
you don't need perfection), or of re-running SCRIBE to get the cross references
right.    They will be right the second time because the correct values for all
labels will have been stored in an auxiliary file, which SCRIBE  will  read  in
before  the  second processing.  Since the normal evolutionary development of a
document involves alternate editing and reprocessing, the  references  will  be
correct almost all of the time, and if you want perfection on a particular run,
it is simple enough to run it through twice.

  SCRIBE  builds  an "AUX" file that contains the various pieces of information
that it must remember from one run to the next.    Cross-reference  labels  are
included  in  this  AUX  file.    If  you  are  processing  a  file named, say,
"RECIPE.MSS", then SCRIBE will store its auxiliary information in a file  named

8.1.2 Object References: the @TAG Command
  One  of  the most valuable features of SCRIBE is its ability to number things
for you, and thus to renumber  them  if  changes  are  made.    Automatic  page
numbering  is  pretty  much  taken  for  granted; we have already mentioned the
automatic numbering of sections (Section 5.2)  and  of  equations  or  theorems
(Section  3.4.2). SCRIBE will number anything it can count; you can also attach
a cross-reference tag to anything that SCRIBE can count.

  Let's talk about the difference between  the  @Label  command  and  the  @Tag
command;  this  difference  is  a  bit  subtle.   A sectioned document has many
different sequences of numbers that identify the  pieces  of  it.    Pages  are
numbered  sequentially;  chapters  and  sections  and such are usually numbered
independently of the pages.  Figures and tables are  often  numbered  within  a

PAGE 44                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

chapter,  ignoring  section  numbers.   If you want to attach a codeword to the
section number of the section that contains a particular theorem or example  or
figure  or  table,  then  use  @Label.  If you want to attach a codeword to the
theorem number or example number or equation number, rather than to the section
that it is contained in, use the @Tag command.

  It's time for some examples.  You should remember from section 3.4.2 that the
THEOREM and EQUATION environments are used to print theorems and equations  and
automatically  to assign numbers to them.  You may place an @Tag command inside
a THEOREM or an EQUATION to define a  label  so  that  you  may  reference  the
equation  or  theorem  number.    You  may also place a @Label command inside a
THEOREM or an EQUATION so that you may reference the  section  number  or  page
number on which the theorem or equation occurs.

  This unlikely input text:

    If G is a non-self-embedding context-free grammar, then
    L(G) is a regular set.
    It follows immediately from Theorem @ref(Imbed), that ...
       [and in a later section...]
    We showed in section @ref(ImbedSec) in Theorem @ref(imbed) ...

might produce this output text:

      Theorem  4.10:    If  G is a non-self-embedding context-free grammar,
    then L(G) is a regular set.

      ...It follows immediately from Theorem 4.10, that ...

      We showed in section 4.6 in Theorem 4.10 ... 

8.2 Bibliography and Citation
  A bibliography is a labeled list of books, articles, papers, and the like.  A
citation is a marker in the text that refers to an entry in  the  bibliography.
Thus, if a section of your bibliography looks like this:

[15] E. W. Dijkstra.  Co-operating Sequential Processes. In F. Genuys, editor,
     Programming Languages, pages 43-110. Academic Press, 1968.


[16] Mary-Claire van Leunen.  A Handbook for Scholars. Alfred A. Knopf, 1978.

[17] A. van Wijngaarden, B. J. Mailloux, J. E. L. Peck, and C. H. A. Koster.
     Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68. Mathematisch Centrum,
     Amsterdam, 1969.

  then text with citations might look like this:

      M. van  Leunen,  in  her lively and detailed book, argues against the
    bibliographic footnote [16].

      The original language, which was rather more cumbersome to learn  and
    to use, is defined in van Wijngaarden et al [17].

The SCRIBE bibliography facility does three things:

  1. Selects  from  a database the bibliographic entries that are actually

  2. Formats them into a bibliography and assigns a  number  or  label  to
     each, and

  3. Causes the correct numbers to be placed in the citations in the text.

8.2.1 Bibliography Files
  Because  SCRIBE  selects and prints only those entries in a bibliography that
are actually cited in the text, you may use a  common  bibliography  "database"
for  many  different  documents.   This database is in a separate file which we
will call the bibliography file. Each entry will be  given  an  identifier,  or
name,  by  which it is cited.  These identifiers work in very much the same way
as do the @label/@ref cross-reference keywords (see section 8.1): an identifier
is defined in one place (the bibliography) amd cited in others (@cite  commands
in the text).

  The  bibliography  file  thus  consists  of a series of entries, each with an
identifier.  Each entry also has an entry type and a list of data fields.   For
example, the bibliography file entries for our examples of the previous section
might be

PAGE 46                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

    @InBook(Dijkstra69, Author "E. W. Dijkstra",
                       Title "Co-operating Sequential Processes",
                       Editor "F. Genuys",
                       Title "Programming Languages",
                        Publisher "Academic Press",
                       Date "1969"
    @Book(VanLeunen78,Author "Mary-Claire van Leunen",
                    Title "A Handbook for Scholars",
                    Publisher "Alfred A. Knopf",
                    Date "1978"
    @Report(ALGOL68,Author "A. van Wijngaarden, B. J. Mailloux,
                             J. E. L. Peck, and C. H. A. Koster",
                 Title "Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68",
                 Publisher "Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam",
                 Date "1969"

  In this example, the names "Dijkstra69", "VanLeunen78", and "ALGOL68" are the
identifiers by which these bibliography entries will be cited.  The text of the
document would contain @Cite commands that reference those identifiers.

  Any  text  following a bibliography file entry is assumed to be an annotation
or commentary on that entry, and will be included in the  bibliography  printed
in your document.

  Normally  SCRIBE  will  look  for  a  file with an extension of ".BIB" as the
bibliography file for a document; i.e. if your manuscript file is "THESIS.MSS",
SCRIBE will use "THESIS.BIB" as the bibliography file.  You may  use  the  @Use
command,  described  in section 10.5, to request that SCRIBE use some different
file for the bibliography file for your document.

8.2.2 Citations
  Citations are simple.  Just put a @cite command into your text  at  the  spot
where  the citation should appear.  @Cite takes one or more identifiers to tell
it what to cite:



These will be processed by SCRIBE into standard form citations:


8.2.3 Alternate Citation Styles
  Some people don't like straight numeric citations, though it is the form most
frequently  needed  in preparing papers for publication.  Some journals require
other forms, though,  and  therefore  provides  a  style  parameter  to  change
citation style.  You may choose:

  1. Straight numeric citation.  This is normally the default:  [6].

  2. Author's last name and year:  [Guarino78].

  3. First 3 characters of author's last name, and year:  [Gua78].

  4. Print the identifier instead of a generated label.

You  may  set the bibliography style using the CITATION parameter to the @Style

    @Style(CITATION=1) or @Style(CITATION=4), etc.

Some document types may include a specification of CITATION style of other than
1; this is why we said that style 1 is normally the default rather than style 1
is the default.

PAGE 48                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

9. Changing Things
  Although  SCRIBE's  basic  approach  to document production is to provide its
users with a large menu of document types and discourage  them  from  tinkering
with  details,  we  recognize  that  the  urge  to tinker is incurable.  SCRIBE
therefore provides two commands that may be used to make small changes  in  the
format and style of a document.

9.1 Changing Type Font:  The @Font Command
  The  @Font  command tells SCRIBE to use a particular type font.  For use with
SCRIBE, a "font" is a collection of type faces, chosen to look harmonious  when
used  together.    A  font  will often contain 10 to 15 different type faces in
diferent sizes and styles.  For example, a typical  font  will  contain  Roman,
Boldface and Italic in both body text size and footnote text size; it will also
contain  various  sizes of heading and title fonts, usually without italics and
boldface.  A font, like a document type, is defined by  an  entry  in  SCRIBE's
database.   This font database entry is a list of information of the form "when
I say @B, I mean Times Roman Bold; when I say @R, I mean Times  Roman  Medium."
An entry like that would be found in a font whose name was "Times Roman", which
would be specified by the command @Font(TimesRoman).

9.2 A List of Available Fonts
  At  CMU  at  the  time of this writing (August 1978), the following fonts are
available for use with SCRIBE.  Many different character-set  files  exist  for
the  XGP,  but  very  few  of them are attractive enough and readable enough to
warrant printing a document in them.  Each SCRIBE font uses 10 to 15  different
character-set files.

  Here is the list; a sample of each is in appendix FONTSAMPLES:

    News Gothic 10
    News Gothic 12
    Nonie 12
    Nonie 9
    Meteor 12
    Meteor 9
    Baskerville 12
    Bodoni 10

The number associated with a font is its height in "points", which is a unit of
printer's  measure.  A 10-point type like News Gothic 10 is about the same size
as a standard Elite typewriter font.

  For Diablo printers, a font simply specifies a  type  wheel  and  a  list  of

CHANGING THINGS                                                         PAGE 49

special  characters  to  be constructed with it; SCRIBE knows about these fonts
(typewheels) for the Diablo:


Although users may create their  own  fonts  by  creating  their  own  database
entries,  we  defer  description of this process to the Experts' Manual. If you
have a private character set for the XGP  that  you  would  like  to  use,  see

  The  HELP  text  for  SCRIBE,  which you can see by typing HELP SCRIBE to the
monitor, will give you  instructions  for  finding  out  the  current  list  of
available fonts.

9.3 The @Style Command
  The  @Style  command  changes  the  settings  of certain of SCRIBE's internal
parameters.  These parameters form a sort of "genetic code"; each parameter  is
somewhat like a gene.  There is a parameter that controls whether or not SCRIBE
makes  a flush right margin.  There is a parameter that controls how much space
SCRIBE leaves between lines; another  that  controls  the  distance  that  each
paragraph is indented.

  The  database  entry  for  a  document  type  presets the value of all SCRIBE
parameters.  You may use the @Style command to  override  these  values.    All
@Style commands used in a document must come at the beginning; you can't change
styles in mid-document.

  Let's  consider  a  small  example.    The  document  type  TEXT specifies no
paragraph indentation; it adds an extra blank line between paragraphs  instead.
If  you  wanted  to change to standard typewriter-style indentation (5 spaces),
you could put the command


into your manuscript file.  SCRIBE would then indent paragraphs 5 spaces.    If
you  also wanted to suppress the extra blank line between paragraphs, you could

    @Style(Indentation 5, Spread 0)

or alternatively you could say

PAGE 50                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

    @Style(Indentation 5)
    @Style(Spread 0)

  The  word  "Spread" was chosen to mean inter-paragraph spacing solely because
it would be pretty tedious to type @style(Inter-ParagraphSpacing 0).

  Some style parameters expect names instead of numbers; others  expect  quoted
strings.  For example:

    @Style(Justification Off)

will turn off right-margin justification, while

    @Style(Footnotes "*")

tells SCRIBE to use asterisks instead of numbers when enumerating footnotes.

9.4 A List of STYLE Parameters
  This  table  lists  the  style  parameters that you can specify in the @Style
command, and briefly describes what they do.

Indentation     Controls paragraph indentation in text. A  horizontal  distance
                should be provided:

                    @Style(Indentation 5)

                means  to  indent 5 spaces.  If you want backwards indentation,
                give it a negative number.

Spacing         Controls inter-line spacing.  A  vertical  distance  should  be
                provided:  "2" means "2 lines", i.e. double space. If you want,
                say, one-and-a-half spacing, then say

                    @Style(Spacing 1.5)

                The default spacing that you get depends on the  document  type
                being produced.

Spread          Controls  the  inter-paragraph  spacing,  i.e. the extra space,
                over and above the line  spacing,  that  will  be  put  between

Justification   A  "Yes",  "No",  "On", or "Off" tells SCRIBE whether or not to

CHANGING THINGS                                                         PAGE 51

                justify the right margin.  Don't put the word in quotes:

                    @Style(Justification Off)
                    @Style(Justification On)

LeftMargin      This  parameter  will change the size of the left margin of the
                pages.  For example,

                    @Style(LeftMargin 1.3 inches)

                will cause the  page  to  have  a  1.3-inch  left  margin.  The
                "margin" of a page is the white space at the edge of the paper,
                so  if  you specify a bigger number here, it will make a bigger
                white space and hence leave a smaller print line.

RightMargin     This parameter will change the size of the right margin.    The
                RightMargin  parameter and the PaperWidth parameter both affect
                the length of the printed lines. Remember that the "margin"  is
                the  white  space  at  the edge of the paper, so increasing the
                size of the RightMargin parameter will increase the size of the
                margin, hence decreasing the amount of space taken by the print

TopMargin       Changes the top margin of the page.

BottomMargin    Changes the bottom  margin  of  the  page.    The  BottomMargin
                parameter and the PaperLength parameter both affect the size of
                the printing area on the page.

PaperLength     Used  to  specify  the  length of the paper that you are using.
                For example,

                    @Style(PaperLength 14 inches)

                specifies legal-size paper.

PaperWidth      Used to specify the width of the paper that you are using.

Footnotes       Controls the way that  footnotes  are  numbered.    The  normal
                numbering  scheme  is  numeric:  the first footnote is numbered
                "1", the second one "2", and so forth.

                    @Style(Footnotes "@*")

PAGE 52                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

                will  cause the numbering to be "*", "**", and so forth. If you
                want some other numbering scheme used, specify a template.  See
                the Experts' Manual to find out what that means.

9.5 Miscellany
  This section documents a few odds and ends that don't seem to belong anywhere
else.  They probably don't belong here either, but they've got to go somewhere.

9.5.1 Changing Command Names
  If  you  really  don't  like  SCRIBE's name for some command, you may use the
@Equate command to define your own equivalent.  The format is


  Let's suppose, for example, that you don't like the name  "Enumerate".    You
think  it's  too  long.    You  would  like  to be able to say "@En" instead of
"@Enumerate".  Then enter at the front of your file the command


From then on, you will be able to say


or even just


  You may not use @Equate to change the meaning of an existing name.    If  you
try, say,


SCRIBE will complain mightily and refuse to execute the @Equate.

CHANGING THINGS                                                         PAGE 53

9.5.2 Changing Counter Values
  SCRIBE  counters  are  things  like  "page", "chapter", and "TheoremCounter".
They are incremented from time to time from inside SCRIBE, with values  ranging
from 1 to whatever.

  Sometimes  people  don't  like  the  counter  numbers  to be so well-behaved.
SCRIBE therefore provides a command to let you meddle with counter values.  For
example, the command


will set the page number to 8 and the chapter number to 4. If you would like to
add or subtract some quantity to or from a counter, use a + or  -  sign:    the


adds 3 to the current page number.

  We would like to refer you to the separate compilation facility, described in
section  10.2,  as a better way of doing the deeds that you are probably trying
to accomplish when you go about meddling with counter values.

PAGE 54                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

10. Producing Large Documents
  Big  documents  are  proportionately  much harder to produce than small ones.
The amount of work needed to produce one 200-page  document  is  several  times
that  needed  to  produce  ten 20-page documents.  Bookkeeping becomes a chore.
The amount of file space used becomes huge.  It can take  an  hour  or  two  of
elapsed time just to process a 200-page document through SCRIBE when the system
is heavily loaded.

  SCRIBE  has  a  large-document facility, with several independent mechanisms,
that make it easier to produce large documents.   The  large-document  facility

   - An @include command, that allows a document to be split into multiple
     files, each one of which is of manageable size.

   - A  @part  command that lets you separately process one component file
     of a document,  yet  have  page  numbers,  section  numbers,  chapter
     numbers, and cross references still come out right.

   - A  @string  command  that lets you store commonly-used text sequences
     and recall them by name when they are to appear in the document.

   - A @use command to request that SCRIBE  use  some  private  or  custom
     edition of its database.

   - An  automatically-generated  outline  of  your document, created in a
     separate file, to help you manage its organization.

10.1 Breaking a Manuscript into Several Smaller Files
  SCRIBE normally reads sequentially through a manuscript file, processing text
and commands as it comes to them.  The @Include command  makes  SCRIBE  suspend
processing  of  the  main  manuscript  file, process a second file, then resume
processing of the original manuscript file.  For example,  if  your  manuscript
file contains

      00100 The Wicked Witch was both surprised and worried when
      00200 she saw the mark on Dorothy's forehead, for she knew
      00300 well that neither the Winged Monkey nor she, herself,
      00400 dare hurt the girl in any way.
      00500 @Include(SUBFIL.MSS[C410BR10])
      00600 At first the Witch was tempted to run away from Dorothy;
      00700 but she happened to look into the child's eyes and saw
      00800 how simple the soul behind them was, and that the

PRODUCING LARGE DOCUMENTS                                               PAGE 55

      00900 little girl did not know of the wonderful power the
      01000 Silver Shoes gave her.

  and if the file whose name is SUBFIL.MSS[C410BR10] contains

      00100 She looked down at Dorothy's feet, and seeing the
      00200 Silver Shoes, began to tremble with fear, for she knew
      00300 what a powerful charm belonged to them.

  then the finished document will contain the text

      The Wicked Witch was both surprised and worried when she saw the mark
    on Dorothy's forehead, for she knew well that neither the Winged Monkey
    nor  she,  herself,  dare hurt the girl in any way.  She looked down at
    Dorothy's feet, and seeing the Silver  Shoes,  began  to  tremble  with
    fear,  for  she  knew what a powerful charm belonged to them.  At first
    the Witch was tempted to run away from Dorothy;  but  she  happened  to
    look into the child's eyes and saw how simple the soul behind them was,
    and that the little girl did not know of the wonderful power the Silver
    Shoes gave her.

  @Include  requests may be nested, i.e. a file that is processed because of an
@Include command may itself contain other @Include  commands  naming  yet  more
files.    The  name  "@File"  is  a  synonym  for  "@Include",  and may be used
interchangeably with it.

  To break up a large document into component manuscript files, it is  best  to
build a small "root" file that contains the @Make, @Device, and @Style commands
and  then has a series of @Include commands that include all of the text.  Each
of these @Include commands includes one part of the document.   It  is  usually
convenient  to divide a document into separate chapter files, with one @Include
for each chapter, but any division that is convenient for you is acceptable.

  Figure 10-1 shows the root file for the CMU Computer Primer, a large document
produced with SCRIBE.  It prints the title page, then includes in turn each  of
the chapter files.
  The  file  CH0.MSS  contains  the  preface,  introduction, and such.  CH1.MSS
contains the text of chapter 1, CH2.MSS contains the text of chapter 2, and  so
forth.    The  "@Chapter"  command  is in the included file and not in the root

PAGE 56                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

      @pageheading(left "@c[CMU Computer Primer]",Right "@value(page)")
      For Computer Science Department
      Computer Users

      Brian K. Reid
      @value(Month) @value(Year)

      Carnegie-Mellon University
      Computer Science Department
      @CopyrightNotice(Brian K. Reid)

                         Figure 10-1: Sample Root File

10.2 Separate Processing of Component Files
  If  you  have  used  the @Include command to break your manuscript into small
component files, you may process them independently as manuscripts in their own
right.  By judicious use of the @Part command, which we will shortly  describe,

PRODUCING LARGE DOCUMENTS                                               PAGE 57

you  may  separately  process the components of a large document for draft copy
purposes, yet be able to process the whole thing without having to  change  any
of the components.

10.2.1 Component Files As Separate Documents
  It  frequently arises that some masterful piece of prose will be published as
a chapter of a larger work as well as be published on its own.    By  carefully
keeping  its  head in the sand at the right times, SCRIBE lets you set up files
so that they will work both as included  parts  of  a  large  document  and  as
documents in their own right.

  SCRIBE  ignores  certain  commands if they are found inside an included file,
but processes the same commands if they are found in a root file.    This  lets
you  put  commands  into  a file that will be ignored if it is part of a larger
document but will be processed if it is being produced as a document in its own

  The commands @Device, @Make, @Style, and @Font will be ignored  if  they  are
found  in  an included file but processed if they are found at the beginning of
the root file.  The text inside a TitlePage environment (see section 5.4)  will
also be ignored inside an included file.

  You  may  therefore  put at the beginning of a file the commands necessary to
process it as a stand-alone document, trusting that they will be ignored if  it
is included as part of a larger document.

10.2.2 Separate Processing of Component Parts
  For  very large documents, the processing time for the full document is large
enough for it to be wasteful to re-process and re-print  all  of  the  document
when  only a piece of it has changed.  A person working on a small section of a
large document would like to be able to produce a draft copy  of  that  section
without  coping  with  the  whole  thing.    When each chapter is produced by a
different author, the several authors would each like to be able to  get  proof
copies  of their chapter apart from the other text.  For situations like these,
SCRIBE provides  a  @Part  command,  which  supports  separate  compilation  of
fragments of a larger document.

  To  take  advantage  of  this  separate  compilation  facility, place a @Part
command at the front of each included file.  It should be the first command  in
the file.  The @Part command must provide two items of information:  a name for

PAGE 58                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

the part and the file name of the root file of the document.  Thus

    @Part(Chapter3,root "primer.mss")

defines  a part whose name is "Chapter3" and that is part of the document whose
root file is PRIMER.MSS.  The name that you choose for the part is just a name,
and may be any combination of letters, digits, and "-" characters.

  Having put @Part commands, each with a different part name but all specifying
the correct root file, into the various subfiles, you must process  the  entire
document  once  to  record  the  part  information.   When SCRIBE finds a @Part
command in an included file, it makes a note of the part name and the page  and
section  numbers  at  that  point.    These  notes  are  saved  along  with the
cross-reference data in the AUX file for the document.

  Once there exists an AUX file with part information stored  in  it,  you  may
process  any  part by itself.  If SCRIBE finds a @Part command at the beginning
of a file it is asked to process, it assumes that you are separately  compiling
a piece of a larger document and enters a special sub-compilation mode.  SCRIBE
does three special things in sub-compilation mode:

  1. SCRIBE  finds the root file and processes the @Device, @Make, @Style,
     @Font, @Equate, @PageHeading, and @PageFooting commands that  are  in
     it.    Some  other  commands, documented only in the Experts' Manual,
     will also be picked up from the root file.

  2. SCRIBE restores the page and section numbers to  the  correct  values
     for the part being processed.

  3. SCRIBE  reads in the cross-reference label definitions for the entire
     document, and not just for the part being processed.

  The result of this complicated series of acts is that the separately-compiled
part will be produced with the correct page and section numbers; if it contains
any cross references to labels defined in some other part, the references  will
be correct.

  At  the  end of processing a separately-compiled part, SCRIBE will update and
rewrite the AUX file.  If the number of pages in the part has changed since the
last processing, SCRIBE will correct the stored  page  number  information  for
parts  that  follow this one, in order that page numbers will be right if other
parts are later processed.

  The index and table of contents produced by processing a  part  will  reflect

PRODUCING LARGE DOCUMENTS                                               PAGE 59

only  the contents of that part.  If a new part is to be added, the entire root
file must be processed to incorporate the new part correctly.

10.3 Defining and Using Text Strings
  The @String command provides a mechanism for storing a series  of  characters
under  a  particular  name,  then  including  that  series of characters in the
document by referring to the name in a @Ref command.

10.3.1 The @String Command
  @String defines names to equal a quoted string:

    @String(CACM="@i[Communications of the ACM]")
    @String(Name="J. Alfred Prufrock", Agency="Rutabaga, Inc.")

You need not use quotation marks; any of the delimiters  described  in  section
3.1  will  work.    To  use these text strings that you have defined, call them
inside a @Ref command.  For example, if the @String commands  of  the  previous
example have been processed, then this input:

    Prior work was published in @ref(CACM).
    The solution is @ref(EQ4).
    @Ref(Name) no longer is employed by @ref(Agency).

will produce this output:

    Prior work was published in Communications of the ACM.
                     2           2
    The solution is x +4*x*y-17*y
    J. Alfred Prufrock no longer is employed by Rutabaga, Inc.

If both a text string and a cross-reference label are given the same name, then
the @Ref will refer to the text string and not to the cross-reference label.

10.4 Environment Inquiry: Predefined Strings
  SCRIBE  has  a  mechanism that allows you to include in your document various
characteristics of the processing environment, such as the date and the name of
the file being processed.  These things are called "internal  strings"  because
they are defined inside SCRIBE.

PAGE 60                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

10.4.1 Internal Strings and the @Value Command
  The  @Value  command  is  used  to  access  internal  strings.   For example,
@Value(Date) will produce the current date at that point in the  document,  and
@Value(Manuscript)  will produce the name of the manuscript file.  Thus, if you
put in your manuscript file the text

    This document was produced on @Value(Date).

then your document will contain the text:

    This document was produced on 7 August 1978.

  @Value(Date) will produce the current date.  The precise format in which  the
date  will  be  printed  is  controlled  by  the "DATE" parameter to the @Style
command.  Normally the date will print this way:  "7 August 1978".  However, if
you have put a @Style command  at  the  front  of  your  manuscript  file  that
specifies a DATE style, it might come out in a different format.

  @Style(Date=1)  is  the  default.  @Style(Date=2) gives you "August 7, 1978".
@Style(Date=3) gives you "7 Aug 78".  @Style(Date=4) gives  you  " 7  AUG  78".
@Style(Date=5) gives you "08/07/78".

  @Value(Month)  will return the full name of the current month, e.g. "August".
@Value(Day) will give you the  day  number  in  the  current  month,  e.g. "7".
@value(Year)  will  return the current year, e.g. "1978".  @Value(Weekday) will
give you the name of the current day of the week, e.g. "Monday".   @Value(Time)
will  tell  you  the time, in 24-hour notation, to the nearest minute, when the
current SCRIBE run began; e.g. "02:26".  To get a "time stamp" that records the
date and time of processing, use @Value(TimeStamp); it will give  you  a  value
like "7 August 1978 at 02:26".

  You   can   also   inquire  about  the  files  that  SCRIBE  is  working  on.
@Value(Manuscript) tells you the name of the manuscript  file  that  SCRIBE  is
processing,  e.g. "USERL.MSS".    @Value(SourceFile)  tells  you the particular
place in the manuscript file or the @Included subfile that SCRIBE is processing
at that moment, e.g. "UMCH10.MSS, 05800/5.    And  if  you  really  must  know,
@value(ScribeVersion)  tells  you  the  version  of  SCRIBE  that  is doing the
processing, e.g. "CMU 0E(110)-5".

  If you are producing a document with  a  table  of  contents,  then  you  may
inquire as to the number or title of the current section.  @Value(SectionTitle)
gives  you  the  title  of  the  chapter,  section,  subsection, or whatever is

PRODUCING LARGE DOCUMENTS                                               PAGE 61

appropriate,     e.g. "Internal    Strings    and    the    @Value    Command".
@Value(SectionNumber) gives you its number, e.g. "10.4.1".  @Value(Page)  tells
you the current page number, e.g. "61".

10.4.2 Current Values of Counters
  If  the  @Ref  command is applied to a counter, e.g. PAGE or CHAPTER, it will
give the current numeric reference value  of  that  counter.    If  the  @Title
command is applied to a counter, it will give the current title associated with
that  counter.    Thus,  at  this point in the SCRIBE manual, "@Title(Chapter)"
returns "Producing Large Documents" and "@ref(Chapter)" returns "10".

  There is a bit of ambiguity between @Value(Page) and @Ref(Page):   they  both
do  exactly  the  same thing.  Early versions of SCRIBE did not have the @Value
command, so @Ref(Page) is left in the system for compatibility.

  If you ask for the title of a counter that has no title, a null  string  will
be returned:  "@Title(Page)" returns "".

10.5 File Names and the @Use Command
  The  "@Use"  command  directs SCRIBE to use other database, bibliography, and
auxiliary files than it normally would.  For example, SCRIBE will normally look
for an AUX file with the same name as the manuscript file:  if your  manuscript
file  is  "PRIMER.MSS",  the  AUX  file  would be "PRIMER.AUX".  If you put the

    @Use(AuxFile "OTHER.AUX")

at the front of your manuscript, then SCRIBE will use  "OTHER.AUX"  instead  of
"PRIMER.AUX".  The extension ".AUX" will always be used.

  To  request  that  SCRIBE use some particular bibliography file, use the @Use
command with the parameter "Bibliography":

    @Use(Bibliography "PROSYS.BIB[C410HB00]")

The extension ".BIB" is not required, any extension is allowed.

  The @Use command may also be used to  direct  SCRIBE  to  use  a  nonstandard
version of the database.  If you put the command

PAGE 62                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

    @Use(Database "somewhere")

at the very beginning of your root file, then SCRIBE will interpret "somewhere"
as the location of a database and will look there for everything that it needs.
The  precise  nature  of  the  "somewhere" string depends on the details of the
computer system in use; sample strings for various popular computer systems are
"<Jones>", "[M100MD0C]", and "[51,1062]".


      If you develop your own version of the SCRIBE database, the  software
    maintainer   disavows  any  responsibility  to  maintain  compatibility
    between your private database and future versions of the program.

EPILOGUE AND SERMON                                                     PAGE 63

11. Epilogue and Sermon
  The  guiding  principle  that  shaped every aspect of the design of SCRIBE is
that most people who produce documents don't know or care about the details  of
the  formatting  involved.    To  this  end,  those  details  are determined by
information in SCRIBE's database and not by commands from the user.

  The benefits of this somewhat arrogant approach are legion.  For those people
who really don't care about details,  it  is  possible  to  produce  attractive
formatted  output  with  very  little  work  and even less decision-making.  To
produce a document for a different printing device, the simple  change  of  one
@Device  command  will yield a completely different set of formats, designed to
look attractive on the new device.

  The cost of this approach is that it is not  always  possible  to  get  every
character to land on the page in precisely the spot that you think it ought to.
Trying  to  force  SCRIBE  to  format  one  way while it is trying to format in
another way is like pulling teeth:  possible but painful.

  Please don't use pliers on SCRIBE. If you find yourself fighting with SCRIBE,
you are probably not using it right.  If you catch yourself constantly thumbing
through the table of commands and style parameters, trying to find the  command
or  parameter that will force some particular character to a particular column,
then you are not using SCRIBE correctly.  And if you ever catch yourself,  even
once,  wanting  to  use  the @Blankspace command outside a figure, then you are
definitely using SCRIBE wrong.

  If you find yourself fighting SCRIBE, think carefully about what that  means:
SCRIBE  is  trying to produce a document in one format, while you want it to be
in another.  You have several recourses:

  1. Learn to like the standard SCRIBE  formats.    This  is  by  far  the
     simplest approach.  Not everyone needs to be a typographer.

  2. Look  at  all  of the variant styles that are in the SCRIBE database.
     Perhaps one of them will please you.    You  can  get  these  variant
     styles  by  using  the  "Form"  parameter  to  the @Make command; see
     section 4.3 for details.

  3. If none of the standard or variant styles pleases you, then you are a
     very finicky person.  To indulge your finickiness you  are  going  to
     have  to  work hard.  If you are not willing to work hard, go back to
     step 1; it might be more appealing the second time around.    If  you
     are  willing to work hard, then go get a copy of the Experts' Manual,
     curl up in a comfortable place, and read it from cover to cover.   If

PAGE 64                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

     that doesn't stop you, then roll up your sleeves and go make your own
     document  style.    Please tell me about it when it's done, so that I
     can add it to the SCRIBE database for other people to use.

  One final behest:  please don't complain to me about the formats that  SCRIBE
produces.    SCRIBE  is  capable  of producing almost any format at all, but it
comes from the factory equipped to produce formats that I happen to like.    If
you don't like my formats, don't complain to me about it.  Either learn to like
them or make your own.

A FEW EXAMPLES                                                          PAGE 65

I. A Few Examples
  This appendix is full of random examples.  All of them were motivated because
early  users  of  SCRIBE  often  asked, "How do I do such-and-so".  There is no
particular logic to the sequencing of these examples.

I.1 How to Make a Title Page
  Document Types REPORT, MANUAL, and ARTICLE contain a title page facility; you
can also say "@Make(TitlePage)" and produce just the title page.

  This input file produced the title page for this manual:


    @Heading(First Edition)
    Brian K. Reid

    Carnegie-Mellon University
    Computer Science Department
    This manual corresponds to SCRIBE version @value(ScribeVersion).
    @CopyrightNotice(Brian K. Reid)
    The research that produced SCRIBE was funded in part by the
    Rome Air Development Center under Contract No. F306-2-75-C-0218,
    in part by Army Research Contract No. DAAG29-77-C-0034,
    and in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
    under contract No. F44620-73-C-0074.

  The "TitlePage" environment will be on a page by itself;  i.e. a  page  break
will  be  taken  before it and after it.  The "TitleBox" environment is used to
line up text with the box on CMU technical report covers.   Anything  that  you
put inside the environment "TitleBox" will be positioned on the page so that it
will show through the cutout box.

PAGE 66                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

  The  "ResearchCredit"  environment  puts  justified text at the bottom of the
title page.  The "CopyrightNotice" environment generates the  centered  notice,
and positions it in a particular place on the page.

I.2 Equations and Cross References
  This  example  is  taken  from Volume 1 of The Art of Computer Programming by
Donald E. Knuth.  It shows the use of the SCRIBE equation numbering scheme, and
it shows the use of cross-references to equations earlier in the text.

  Here is the input file:

      Let @i[P(n)] be some statement about the integer @i[n]; for
      example, @i[P(n)] might be "@i[n] times (@i[n] + 3) is an even
      number," or "if @i[n] ?> 10, then 2@+[@i[n]] > @i[n]@+[3]."
      Suppose we want @i[to prove that P(n) is true for all positive
      integers n].  An important way to do this is:
      Give a proof that @i[P(1)] is true; @Tag(BaseStep)

      Give a proof that "if all of @i[P](1), @i[P](2), . . . , @i[P](@i[n])
      are true, then @i[P](@i[n]+1) is also true"; this proof should be valid
      for any positive integer @i[n].  @Tag(InductStep)

      As an example, consider the following series of equations, which
      many people have discovered independently since ancient times:
      1 = 1@+[2], 1 + 3 = 2@+[2], 1 + 3 + 5 = 3@+[2], 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 4@+[2],

      1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 5@+[2].
      We can formulate the general property as follows:
      1 + 3 + . . . + (2@i[n] - 1) = @i[n]@+[2] @Tag(Induction)
      Let us, for the moment, call this equation @i[P(n)]; we wish to
      prove that @i[P(n)] is true for all positive @i[n].  Following
      the procedure outlined above, we have:
      "@i[P](1) is true since 1 = 1@+[2]."

      "If all of @i[P](1), . . . , @i[P](@i[n]) are true, then, in particular,
      @i[P](@i[n]) is true, so Eq.  @Ref(Induction) holds; adding 2@i[n] + 1

A FEW EXAMPLES                                                          PAGE 67

      to both sides, we obtain
      1  +  3 + . . . + (2@i[n] - 1) + (2@i[n] + 1) = @i[n]@+[2] + 2@i[n] + 1 =
                (@i[n] + 1)@+[2]
      which proves that @i[P](@i[n] + 1) is also true."

      We can regard this method as an @i[algorithmic proof procedure].
      In fact, the following algorithm produces a proof of @i[P](@i[n]) for
      any positive integer @i[n], assuming that steps @Ref(BaseStep)
      and @Ref(InductStep) above have been worked out.

  and here is the output that it produces:
      Let P(n) be some statement about the integer  n;  for  example,  P(n)
    might be "n times (n + 3) is an even number," or "if n ?> 10, then 2  >
    n ."  Suppose  we  want  to  prove  that  P(n) is true for all positive
    integers n. An important way to do this is:

      1. Give a proof that P(1) is true;

      2. Give a proof that "if all of P(1), P(2), . . . , P(n)  are  true,
         then  P(n+1)  is  also  true"; this proof should be valid for any
         positive integer n. 

      As an example, consider the following series of equations, which many
    people have discovered independently since ancient times:
             2           2               2                   2
        1 = 1 , 1 + 3 = 2 , 1 + 3 + 5 = 3 , 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 4 ,

        1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 5 .

    We can formulate the general property as follows:
        1 + 3 + . . . + (2n - 1) = n                                           (1)

    Let us, for the moment, call this equation P(n); we wish to prove  that
    P(n)  is  true  for  all  positive  n. Following the procedure outlined
    above, we have:
      1. "P(1) is true since 1 = 1 ."

      2. "If all of P(1), . . . , P(n) are true, then, in particular, P(n)
         is true, so Eq. 1 holds; adding 2n + 1 to both sides, we obtain

PAGE 68                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL
                                      2           2
             1+3+ ... +(2n-1)+(2n+1)=n +2n+1=(n+1)

         which proves that P(n + 1) is also true."

      We can regard this method as an algorithmic proof procedure. In fact,
    the  following  algorithm  produces  a  proof  of P(n) for any positive
    integer n, assuming that steps 1. and 2. above have been worked out.

I.3 Printing on Model Paper
  Academic journals frequently request that papers submitted for publication be
typed on "model paper", which they provide.  Model paper is usually larger than
the normal 8.5-by-11 inch size, and has various blue lines on it that demarcate
the area in which your paper is supposed to go.

  It is usually convenient to proof your document on normal-sized  paper,  then
convert  it  to  the  format  required  by  the  journal.   There are dozens of
different kinds of model paper in use.  Ideally, SCRIBE would have  a  document
type  for  each,  so you could just say "@Make(NorthHolland)", for example, and
generate model paper for North-Holland journals.  In time these document  types
will become available; right now they are not.

  There  are two approaches to the preparation of model paper.  You may use the
Diablo, typing directly on the paper, or you may cut  and  paste.    In  either
case, you will need to be able to control page size, margins, and line spacing.

  All  of the information that you need to produce model paper is in chapter 9,
but it may not have been obvious to you how to put it  all  together.    Figure
11-1 shows an excerpt of a sample manuscript file used to prepare a document to
be typed directly on the model paper with the Diablo typewriter.  To print with
the XGP to cut and paste, you would use a similar approach.

I.4 Business Letters
  SCRIBE  will format a business letter for you and print it either on the XGP,
simulating stationery, or on the  Diablo,  typed  on  real  stationery.    Your
manuscript  file  will  be  in the same format either way.  Figure 11-2 shows a
sample manuscript file that will produce a business letter, albeit a  whimsical
one.  Figure 11-3 shows how that letter would look when printed on the XGP.
   If  you  choose  to  cut and paste, I recommend Carter's Glue Sticks for the
pasting part.

THE FORMAT OF BIBLIOGRAPHY FILES                                        PAGE 69

      @Style(PaperLength 12inches,Paperwidth 9inches)
      @Style(TopMargin 1inch,BottomMargin 1.3inches)
      @Style(LeftMargin 1.2inches,RightMargin 1.6Inches)
      @Style(Spacing 1,Justification Off)
      @Style(Indentation 3)


      Bruce Lowerre
      Raj Reddy
      Carnegie-Mellon University
      Pittsburgh, PA 15213


      HARPY is one of the first systems to demonstrate that high performance,
      large vocabulary connected speech recognition systems can in fact be
      realized economically for task-oriented (restricted) languages.  In
      this chapter we present, using simple examples, the principles of
      organization of the Harpy system.  We will illustrate how knowledge
      sources  (KSs)  are  specified, how the knowledge compiler integrates the
      into a unified directional graph representation, and how this knowledge
      is utilized.  In conclusion, we will discuss many of the limitations of
      the present system and how these can be eliminated or reduced in future

           Figure 11-1: Sample text for paper typed onto model paper

PAGE 70                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

      Mr. J. Z. Williams
      Market Research Analyst
      Williams Pharmaceuticals
      1234 Main Street
      Elkhart, Indiana 42103
      Dear Mr. Williams:

      Your company's television ads recommend that people take two
      Alka-Seltzers at a time.  I buy them in bottles of 25.

      I find that this leaves me with one extra Alka-Seltzer
      at the end of each bottle.
      Could you be so kind as to help me decide what to do with
      these poor orphaned pills, lest they go to waste?

      Brian Reid

            Figure 11-2: Manuscript file to make a business letter

THE FORMAT OF BIBLIOGRAPHY FILES                                        PAGE 71

PAGE 72                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

            Figure 11-3: XGP output produced by sample letter file

THE FORMAT OF BIBLIOGRAPHY FILES                                        PAGE 73

II. The Format of Bibliography Files
  As  we  mentioned  in  chapter  8,  a  bibliography  file  is  a  sequence of
bibliography entries.  This appendix describes the details  of  the  format  of
these entries.

  Each bibliography entry takes the form

    @what(identifier, information list)

where  "what"  is  one  of BOOK, ARTICLE, THESIS, INBOOK, REPORT, or MISC.  The
"information list" is a list of data about the entry, each datum consisting  of
a parameter word and a quoted string.  Each type of entry needs a different set
of  information.    For  example, an ARTICLE needs a JOURNAL parameter, while a
THESIS needs a SCHOOL parameter.  The complete set of parameters is:

AUTHOR          The name of the author or authors.  Put names in the order

JOURNAL         The title of the journal or its standard abbreviation.

ISSUE           The number within volume of the journal issue.

VOLUME          For journals,  the  journal  volume  number.  For  multi-volume
                books, the book volume number.

DATE            The publication date.

TITLE           The title of the article, paper, book, or thesis being cited.

BOOKTITLE       If a chapter of a book is being cited, the book title must also
                be given.

EDITOR          If  a  chapter of a book is being cited, the name of the editor
                of the book must be given.

PAGE            If desired, a page number or numbers may be provided.

SCHOOL          The name of the school at which a thesis was submitted.

  If an unnecessary parameter is included in an entry, it will be ignored.   If
a  necessary  parameter  is  omitted  from  an entry, a warning message will be
issued when the file is processed.

PAGE 74                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL


          @ sign, meaning   4
          @! command   36
          @# command   20
          @* command   40
          @+ command   10
          @- command   10
          @. command   34
          @/ command   36
          @= command   38
          @> command   37
          @Appendix command   25
          @Appendixsection command   25
          @B command   10
          @Begin command   10, 11
          @BlankPage command   31
          @Blankspace command   29
          @C command   10
          @Caption command   30
          @Chapter command   25
          @Cite command   45
          @CopyrightNotice command   28
          @Device command   5, 21, 55
          @End command   10, 11
          @Enter command   11
          @Equate command   52
          @file command   55
          @Font command   21, 22, 48
          @Foot command    17
          @G command   10, 19
          @Heading command   24
          @Hinge command   41
          @I command   10
          @Include command   54
          @Index command   18
          @Label command   42, 45
          @Leave command   11
          @MajorHeading command   24
   @Foot command    17

INDEX                                                                   PAGE 75

          @Make command   21, 55
          @Newpage command   31, 41
          @O command   9, 10
          @ovp command   35
          @P command   10
          @PageFooting command   26
          @PageHeading command   26
          @Pageref command   42
          @Paragraph command   25
          @Part command   21, 57
          @Picture command   30
          @Prefacesection command   25
          @R command   10
          @Ref command   17, 42, 45, 59
          @ResearchCredit command   28
          @S command   9
          @Section command   25
          @Set command   53
          @String command   59
          @Style command   21, 22, 49, 50, 55, 60
          @SubHeading command   24
          @Subsection command   25
          @T command   10
          @Tabclear command   34
          @TabDivide command   34
          @Tabs command   34
          @Tag command   16, 17, 43
          @Theorem command   17
          @TitleBox command   28
          @TitlePage command   28
          @U command   10, 35
          @UN command   10
          @UnNumbered command   25
          @Use command   61
          @UX command   10
          @Value command   60
          @W command   40
          @\ command   35, 38
          @| command   40

          Alphabetic space   20, 40
          Annotation in Bibliography   46
          APPENDIX command   25
          APPENDIXSECTION command   25

PAGE 76                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

          Apples   18
          ARTICLE document type   21, 65
          AUX file   43, 58, 61

          B command   10
          BEGIN command   10, 11
          Bibliographic citations   42
          Bibliography   44
          Bibliography annotation   46
          Bibliography database   45
          Bibliography entry parameters   73
          Bibliography entry selection   45
          Bibliography entry type   45
          Bibliography file   45, 61
          Blank lines   4, 14
          Blank Pages   31
          BLANKPAGE command   31
          BLANKSPACE command   29
          Boldface, how to get   10
          BOTTOMMARGIN style parameter   51
          Bracketing   8

          C command   10
          CAPTION command   30
          Captions for figures   30
          CENTER insert   11, 13
          Centering   38
          Changing command names   52
          CHAPTER command   25
          Chapter titles   25
          Character fonts   19
          Citation   44
          CITATION style parameter   47
          Citation styles   47
          Citations   42, 46
          CITE command   45
          Clearing tab stops   34
          Codewords   42
          Column formatting   33, 34
          Command names, changing   52
          Copyright notice, how to produce   28
          COPYRIGHTNOTICE command   28, 66
          Counters   53
          Cross reference codewords   42

INDEX                                                                   PAGE 77

          Cross reference example   42
          Cross references   16, 42, 45
          Cross references, errors in   43
          Cursor control   35

          Database   61
          Date, current   60
          Day of week   60
          Delimiters   8, 11
          Delimiters, nesting   8
          DESCRIPTION insert   11, 15
          DEVICE command   5, 21, 55
          Devices   9
          Diablo   48
          Diablo HyType printer   6
          DISPLAY insert   11, 13
          Document file   5
          Document types   21
          Document types, how to define   21
          Document types, how to modify   48
          Document, definition of   2
          Double-spacing   50

          END command   11
          ENTER command   11
          ENUMERATE insert   11, 14
          EQUATE command   52
          EQUATION insert   11, 16
          Equation number references   42
          Equation numbers   43
          Equations, examples   66
          Even/odd page headings   27
          EXAMPLE insert   11, 13
          Example number references   42

          Figure bodies, generating   29
          Figure captions, generating   30
          Figure numbers   31
          Figure pages   31
          Figures, full page   31
          Figures, how to make   29
          FILE command   55
          File output   6
          Fixed-width fonts   33

PAGE 78                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

          FLOAT parameter   41
          Flush right   37
          FONT command   21, 22, 48
          Font height measurement   48
          Font-change codes   9
          Fonts   9, 19, 33, 48
          Fonts, how to create   49
          FOOT command   17
          Footnote numbering   50, 51
          Footnote numbers   17
          Footnotes   17, 50
          Forcing a line break   40
          Forcing a page break   41
          FORMAT insert   11, 14, 33
          Full-page figures   31
          Funding acknowledgement   28

          G command   10, 19
          Greek letters   10, 19
          GROUP   41
          GROUP parameter   41

          HEADING command   24
          Headings   14, 24
          HINGE command   41

          I command   10
          Identifier   45
          IMMEDIATE parameter to @Pageheading   27
          INCLUDE command   54
          INDENTATION style parameter   50
          INDEX command   18
          Indexing   18
          Insert, long form   10, 25
          Insert, short form   11
          Inserts   10, 11
          Inserts, long form   41
          Inter-line spacing   50
          Inter-paragraph spacing   49, 50
          Internal strings   60
          Italics   8
          Italics, how to get   10
          ITEMIZE insert   11, 14

INDEX                                                                   PAGE 79

          Joy of Cooking   42
          Justification   50
          JUSTIFICATION style parameter   50

          LABEL command   42, 45
          Large letters   24
          LEAVE command   11
          LEFTMARGIN style parameter   51
          LETTER document type   21
          Letterhead   68
          LETTERHEAD document type   21
          Line break, forcing   40
          Line breaks   40
          Line length   51
          Line printer output   5, 6, 9
          Line width   51

          MAJORHEADING command   24
          MAKE command   21, 55
          MANUAL document type   21, 25, 65
          Manuscript File, definition of   2
          Manuscript file, preparation of   4
          Manuscript file, processing of   5
          Margins, changing   51
          Mathematical formatting   35
          Month   60
          MSS file extension   4

          Nested delimiters   8
          New page   31
          New paragraph   4
          NEWPAGE command   31, 41
          Numbering pages   26

          O command   9, 10
          Object references   42, 43
          Odd/even page headings   27
          Output characters   9
          Output devices   6
          Output files   5
          Overbar   10
          Overbar code   9
          Overprinting   35
          Overstriking   10

PAGE 80                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

          OVP command   35

          P command   10
          Page breaks   41
          Page Headings   24, 26
          Page length   51
          Page number references   42
          Page number, changing   53
          Page numbering   43
          Page numbers   26
          Page, starting at top of new   31, 41
          PAGEFOOTING command   26
          PAGEHEADING command   26
          PAGEREF command   42
          PAPERLENGTH style parameter   51
          PAPERWIDTH style parameter   51
          PARAGRAPH command   25
          Paragraph indentation   49, 50
          Paragraphs   4, 14
          PART command   21, 57
          Peaches   18
          PICTURE command   30
          POSTER document type   21
          PREFACESECTION command   25
          Printing devices   5, 6

          Quotation   10, 11
          QUOTATION insert   11
          Quotations   3

          R command   10
          REF command   17, 42, 45, 59
          References   42
          REPORT document type   21, 25, 65
          RESEARCHCREDIT command   28
          RESEARCHCREDIT insert   65
          Return marker   36
          RIGHTMARGIN style parameter   51
          Roman typeface, how to get   10
          Root file   55, 57
          Running headers   24
          Running SCRIBE   4

          S command   9

INDEX                                                                   PAGE 81

          Script code   9
          SECTION command   25
          Section number references   42
          Section title   25
          Sectioning a document   24
          Separate compilation facility   57
          SET command   53
          Setting tab stops   34
          Setup commands   21
          Significant space   20, 40
          SLIDE document type   21
          Small capitals, how to get   10
          SPACING style parameter   50
          Spread   50
          SPREAD style parameter   50
          STRING command   59
          Strings, text   59
          STYLE command   21, 22, 49, 50, 55, 60
          SUBHEADING command   24
          Subheadings   24
          Subscripts, how to get   10
          SUBSECTION command   25
          Superscripts, how to get   10

          T command   10
          TAB character (Ctrl I)   35
          Tab stops   33, 34, 38
          Tabbing   35
          TABCLEAR command   34
          TABDIVIDE command   34
          Table of Contents   25
          Tables, how to make   29
          Tabs   15, 34, 37
          TABS command   34
          TAG command   16, 17, 43
          TEXT document type   21
          Text reference   42
          Text references   42
          Text strings   59
          THEOREM command   17
          THEOREM insert   11, 17
          Theorem number references   42
          Theorem numbers   43
          Time, finding   60

PAGE 82                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

          Times Roman font   48
          Title page   24
          Title page, example   65
          Title page, how to produce   28
          TITLEBOX command   28
          TITLEPAGE command   28
          TITLEPAGE insert   65
          TOPMARGIN style parameter   51
          Typewheels for Diablo   48
          Typewriter font   10

          U command   10, 35
          UN command   10
          Underlining   10, 35
          Underlining, how to get   10
          UNNUMBERED command   25
          USE command   61
          UX command   10

          VALUE command   60
          Variable-width fonts   33
          VERBATIM insert   11, 14, 33
          VERSE insert   11, 12

          W command   40
          Wine   18
          Word break   40
          Word breaks, forcing   40
          Word breaks, preventing   40

          Xerox Graphics Printer   6
          XGP   48
          XGP output   6, 9

          Year   60
          Yogurt   29

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                        PAGE I

                               Table of Contents

1. Introduction                                                                2

1.1 Some Explanation for Non-Programmers                                       2
1.2 Some Explanation for Programmers                                           3

2. Getting Started                                                             4

2.1 Preparing Input for Scribe                                                 4
2.2 Running Scribe                                                             4
2.3 Printing Devices                                                           5

3. Preparing a Manuscript                                                      8

3.1 Delimiters                                                                 8
3.2 Printing Device Considerations                                             9
3.3 Italics, Underlining, Etcetera                                             9
3.4 Inserts                                                                    10
     3.4.1 Specifying an Insert                                                10
     3.4.2 Simple Inserts                                                      11
 QUOTATION and VERSE                                          12
 EXAMPLE and DISPLAY                                          13
 CENTER                                                       13
 VERBATIM and FORMAT                                          14
 ITEMIZE and ENUMERATE                                        14
 DESCRIPTION                                                  15
 EQUATION                                                     16
 THEOREM                                                      17
3.5 Footnotes                                                                  17
3.6 Indexing                                                                   18
3.7 Special Characters                                                         19
     3.7.1 Getting SCRIBE to Print Special Characters                          19
     3.7.2 Faking Special Characters                                           19

4. Document Types and Styles                                                   21

4.1 SCRIBE's Database of Document Types                                        21
4.2 Specifying a Document Type: the @Make command                              21
4.3 Style Variations                                                           22

5. Titles, Headings, Sections, and the Table of Contents                       24

5.1 Headings in a Document Without a Table of Contents                         24

PAGE II                                                    SCRIBE USERS' MANUAL

5.2 Headings in a Document Having a Table of Contents                          25
5.3 Numbering Pages and Page Headings                                          26
5.4 Title Pages                                                                28

6. Figures and Tables                                                          29

6.1 Generating Figure Bodies                                                   29
     6.1.1 The @Blankspace Command                                             29
     6.1.2 The @Picture Command                                                30
6.2 Generating Figure Captions                                                 30
6.3 Figure Numbers                                                             31
6.4 Full-page figures                                                          31

7. Format Control: Tabs, Columns, and Cursor Movement                          33

7.1 VERBATIM                                                                   33
7.2 Tabs and Tabs Stops                                                        34
     7.2.1 Setting Tab Stops                                                   34
     7.2.2 Tabbing to a Tab Stop                                               35
7.3 Fancy Cursor Control                                                       35
     7.3.1 Overprinting                                                        35
     7.3.2 The Return Marker                                                   36
     7.3.3 Centering, Flush Left, and Flush Right                              37
7.4 Controlling Word, Line, and Page Breaks                                    39
     7.4.1 Controlling Word and Line Breaks                                    40
     7.4.2 Controlling Page Breaks                                             41

8. Cross Reference, Bibliography, and Citation                                 42

8.1 Cross References                                                           42
     8.1.1 Text References: the @LABEL Command                                 42
     8.1.2 Object References: the @TAG Command                                 43
8.2 Bibliography and Citation                                                  44
     8.2.1 Bibliography Files                                                  45
     8.2.2 Citations                                                           46
     8.2.3 Alternate Citation Styles                                           47

9. Changing Things                                                             48

9.1 Changing Type Font:  The @Font Command                                     48
9.2 A List of Available Fonts                                                  48
9.3 The @Style Command                                                         49
9.4 A List of STYLE Parameters                                                 50
9.5 Miscellany                                                                 52

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                      PAGE III

     9.5.1 Changing Command Names                                              52
     9.5.2 Changing Counter Values                                             53

10. Producing Large Documents                                                  54

10.1 Breaking a Manuscript into Several Smaller Files                          54
10.2 Separate Processing of Component Files                                    56
     10.2.1 Component Files As Separate Documents                              57
     10.2.2 Separate Processing of Component Parts                             57
10.3 Defining and Using Text Strings                                           59
     10.3.1 The @String Command                                                59
10.4 Environment Inquiry: Predefined Strings                                   59
     10.4.1 Internal Strings and the @Value Command                            60
     10.4.2 Current Values of Counters                                         61
10.5 File Names and the @Use Command                                           61

11. Epilogue and Sermon                                                        63

I. A Few Examples                                                              65

I.1 How to Make a Title Page                                                   65
I.2 Equations and Cross References                                             66
I.3 Printing on Model Paper                                                    68
I.4 Business Letters                                                           68

II. The Format of Bibliography Files                                           73

Index                                                                          74